Anyone else notice the irony of the new content? We got a t1 boss which i agree was needed. However, with the timing of it...the people most excited about the new boss are the t2 and t3 veterans that needed something new to do. It just seems kinda ridiculous that t2 and t3 players are by and large much more excited to run the new content than t1 players. :/ Sorta makes you think it would have made more sense to make t2 or t3 content. Or at least release t2/t3 content simultaneously.
The irony of the NEW CONTENT
The previous updates have been mostly for t2 and t3 players.
The ones who could gain the most out of the Arsenal expansion 1 were those who either already had lots of energy or had enough experience with old weapons to try out something new.
The ones gaining the most out of the AH are the old players, the new players may get a few deals on low level equipment, but the high tier players are the ones running the show and making thousands (millions perhaps in some cases).
I'll cede the point of the Advanced Training Hall but it is only worth so much.
But yeah even in this update you got more weapons, more weapons that tier 1 players really can't get easily and use, even if they farm the boss, the energy and recipe diving will halt their progress (pretty hard to get 3* recipes in tier 1).
Good point Negima.
And i didn't say i was unhappy with the new content. I'm not. Also i agree that we are getting steady updates. I just found it ironic and wondered if anyone else did as well.
oh yeah well sorry then haha...just pointing it out. I'm sure there's more to come just for tier 3 players in the future
Like the dev's posted they wanted to give something to the T1 Players their are more T1 players than T3 players in my view. Yes, the vets are excited I know I am even though I only beat the boss 1 time since most players who I consider vets had the same content from Preview moved to the Launch no major changes were added in the terms of monsters and ya....I understand why vets are happy and excited.
Off topic..who was the first boss? JK or Vana?
There's no particular reason to this question. I was just curious if they added bosses going from tier 3 on up making this the perfect end (for now) to the boss additions.
Vanna was the first boss...Jelly king was added during the end of beta (last 2 or 3 weeks).
If this cycle continues next new content will be added in T3.
PvP. Actually, PvP would solve everyone's problems. Who needs new content when there is fresh blood to blow up/slice/shoot.
Either way, the devs are doing an awesome job. Tier 1 players really needed this.
Who needs new bosses when we can herd snipes all day every day to our hearts' content!
People, please, demand snipe herding as a PvP mode!
Ah ok. I was just curious (though if the cycle did continue they could just surprise you with whatever is in the core and perhaps a boss to go with that).
To me, it seems like the next update might actually expand into the core. Think about it: there's a goal for each tier of player now, with three bosses for the three tiers. They've also added artifacts referencing the Alpha Squad, which is supposed to be going down to the Core.
My bet is that in order to take the elevator at the Core Terminal, one would have to have all three artifacts acquired from each boss, which would require them to be pretty much all 5* (since beating Vanaduke without is very very tough). More endgame content is always nice.
Although, I wouldn't mind Three Rings adding more intermediary stages and different stratums, like maybe more beast dens with the new beast bell, or some other sort of new monster area.
pretty ironic yes, but at this stage any new content is good content :P
givs us vets something to heat up XD
I read somewhere about a CEO devilite boss.
frankly, that would make me run like a little girl, if it kept spawning new minions during the fight xD
awesome Core boss, the Boss of the clockworks.
What, you mean that the absolute final boss of Spiral knights could possibly be a Devilite CEO?
I'm torn between liking the idea and thinking that it's a bit of a letdown.
The Devilite CEO boss was a player suggestion.
Am I the only one bothered by people calling it "Jelly King?" Haha.
@Dirt, I call him that too, but I have wondered about that. Why is it JK and not Royal Jelly?
It made a lot more sense the day I realized he's just one of many Royal Jellies, rather than the King of all jellies. Everyone calling him JK really confused me. It's more like a queen bee, not the queen of all bees. He's just a really big jelly.
As for Snarbolax and Vanaduke, seems they are unique. Killing them over and over doesn't quite make sense as does killing many Royal Jellies.
It makes me wish SK was a bit more open world, where I could be adventuring along, see a building covered in goo, and know that there's a Royal Jelly in there that I must kill!
Snarbolax is great for T1 players. I now wish to see Snarbolax randomly surprise people in Tier 3. What if you don't have any stun weapons, you ask? Well you're in trouble then, aren't you (nah, he'll just go away after a few minutes if he doesn't get hurt, but you won't get your treasure).
I prefer to think that the Royal Jelly is un-killable. He just loses his structural mass after taking all the damage from us.
After being defeated the royal jelly now a mere puddle of his former self is in ruins. Ruling a country overrun by invaders from the surface with innocent families of slimes being slaughtered, he begins to slowly re-build up his monarchy. As the clockworks turn he recruits the surviving slimes who have lost loved ones to these marauders. Bringing them together he inspires them all to take back the ruins of their castle. To rebuild what was once lost. As he campaigns for his countries sovereignty he slowly regains his biomass as other jellies, placing all their hopes and dreams into his leadership, merge with him to make him stronger. In so doing, they sacrifice their individuality, personality and consciousness. Entrusting all their hopes and dreams of their race into the Royal Jelly.
When you defeat him, all the countless of nameless jellies that the Royal Jelly contain in his quivering mass dissolve, saving the Royal Jelly, are gone forever.
At least thats what I prefer to think >:D
That's not irony... That's not irony at all!
the people most excited about the new boss are the t2 and t3 veterans that needed something new to do. It just seems kinda ridiculous that t2 and t3 players are by and large much more excited to run the new content than t1 players.
What evidence do you have that more T2/T3 players are excited by the rat of unusual size than T1 players? By forum posts? I suspect a very large majority of forum posters are T2/T3 players, while a large majority of players are T1 players. It is very dangerous to assume that forum posters are somehow representative of the player base and most companies take that into account when they read their forums.
I disagree. I think it is ironic based on the parts of the definition of irony. I'm hoping we don't have to resort to actually each quoting a part of it's definition the solidifies our stances (but i can if i need to)...and you will just take my word for it that it is, in fact, irony.
This update is fine, the content is fresh; there aren't only veterans in SK, there also are new players everyday. There's no irony in this update, just the good will of the awesome developpers to improve their game very frequently. Nothing to complain about at all, bonuses only. (can't wait for PvP, which should be the next update in line)
"The previous updates have been mostly for t2 and t3 players."
the AH patch was for new players (considerting it removed half the endgame). The arsenal expansion was for people who wanted a sword to kill an imaginary beast boss I guess. (and brandishs are lol)
This update added a nice shield so I can't complain. I'll upgrade it when there's more things to run. (and the bomb when I need more shadow steel or there's a fiend/beast boss that warants running such stages; it's a pretty reliable bomb for pierce damage)
Getting these 20 T1 boss tokens was about exciting enough to never do it again.
basically the first content update since the game went live. And the content was fun for being T1 only.
I'm sure the next content update will be amazing (whenever that is going to happen). having something to run for crowns/massive onslaughts aside from FSC/Jelly will be neat.
True. We could go back and forth. Let's agree to disagree.
We've been getting new content at a steady pace so I'm not worried. Also having a Tier 1 boss gives Tier 1 players something to do and excites us vets so I don't see a problem with it yet. We're running 2 updates a month so, yea, give the devs some credit for working hard.