July 2 Update - Discussion

45 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Thalia
Game Master

Today's release notes can be found here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/102442

Bild des Benutzers Bamzalot
A new lockbox?

What's inside? I hope it's radiants!

Bild des Benutzers Juvon
Titanium? Sounds interesting.

What's up with the dots at the patch notes, Thalia?



Bild des Benutzers Sederts-Alt


Bild des Benutzers Reto-Da-Liz

Amazing and very much needed update. I'm allergic to iron and I'm very glad it's getting replaced with titanium!
This update will surely enlarge the playerbase and bring more money to OOO!


The gunner update is

The gunner update is inside...

Bild des Benutzers Tempas
So after so much anticipation

So after so much anticipation and much patience from the SK player base here we have it, TITANIUM PRIZE BOXES!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this addition for years. I mean, this will surely make me do so much pve just so I would get these boxes. It's not like I never get iron lockboxes in the spinning wheel.

I really like this addition though because it did add what everyone was waiting for and you know didn't bring out something everyone would hate(*cough*gunner update*cough*new content*cought*).

Keep up the good work guys!!

(if you didn't catch the sarcasm, this entire post is full of it)

Bild des Benutzers Theirillusion

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Bild des Benutzers Juvon


Bild des Benutzers Exerpa
Gold Dragon sets. Maybe Iron

Gold Dragon sets.

Maybe Iron Dragon wings, as I assume nobody bought any last week.

Bild des Benutzers Addy
I'm hoping it's dozens of new

I'm hoping it's dozens of new kitty tails.

Bild des Benutzers Whimsicality

I was smacked with a Maintenance page while in the middle of editing my wiki page, so I smell something suspicious here.

Bild des Benutzers Megawatt-King
Replacing the iron lockboxes

Replacing the iron lockboxes makes no sense at all... What are you up to, OOO/Sega?

Bild des Benutzers Fangel
"What are you up to, OOO/Sega?"

Apparently, slimes.

Bild des Benutzers Amaki
Not edible?

Wow, no wonder I've been feeling perpetually ill for the past three years.

Bild des Benutzers Retequizzle

there's no regal, fancy, or heavy writhing slime things

OOO hates anything i love, conspiracy update at 11

Bild des Benutzers Seiran





I mean-

Those are totally ugly and disgusting. Only fools would dare to sell them over 50kcr.


They should only be worth like 40k at most.


affordable-k at most.

Bild des Benutzers Megawatt-King
ooooh, slime promotion...

You know, while I understand that the devs need to make some dosh, I'm sorta upset that the slime armor are just costumes and not new armor that anybody can get. However, I'm more concerned about the shield/weapon. Does anyone know their stats yet?

Bild des Benutzers Seiran

I'm really hoping the swords are related to the Troika line, since I missed out on cleavers...

Bild des Benutzers Gfjmember
RE: Regarding Slimes

To: Spiral HQ

From: Gfjmember

Subject: RE: The Slime Family of Monsters

Dear Spiral HQ. Thank-you for your memo dated 2014-07-02. Whilst many knights should by now know not to eat slime like monsters, due in part to their foul flavour (see http://threepanelsoul.com/2011/06/07/on-survival/ ) it is always good to hear some advice from command. However, I would maintain that, solely from personal experience in the field, the vast majority of cases are not due to knights voluntarily ingesting slime family monsters, partially because these monsters rapidly dissolve into an unsalvageable goop once they are defeated. As I am sure you know, many of the creatures of the slime family attack by body-slamming. As such, it is inevitable that eventually some quantity of their body mass ends up being involuntarily ingested.

This is once again showing how out of touch HQ has become with knights in the field.

Instead of giving patronising advice on not eating slime family monsters, I kindly suggest you instead give information or equipment for the purposes of avoiding involuntary digestion of slime. Even more so, it has been some time since we have received any updates on repairs of the Skylark, or the attempts to breech the core. Would you kindly release an update on the status of either of those projects?

Sincerely, Gfjmember.

P.S. I have been occasionally feeding my battle sprite gel drops. May I continue with this behaviour, or is it also advised against?

Bild des Benutzers Retequizzle

riddle me this batman

why are the tendril icons for inventory slots displayed as lower back accessories

but they'll still remove wings if you equip them in that slot

i mean i understand why it's like that (so you can bypass the fact that most jelly armors don't have back slots available)

but why not just retroactively update the jelly armors to allow for upper back slots

this just seems like a metric %*(#ton of confusion waiting to happen

Bild des Benutzers Ark-The-Monsta
Yay another "give us money so

Yay another "give us money so we can be closer to pulling the plug on our game" promo.

GG 10/10 would toss credit cards at my screen.

Bild des Benutzers Xtweeterx


Bild des Benutzers Oroseira
It's a disaster waiting to happen.

"this just seems like a metric %*(#ton of confusion waiting to happen"

Retequizzle couldn't say it more.

Bild des Benutzers Gkku

So since a few new accessories have been found in Titanium Lockboxes so far (Munitions Pack, Headlamp, Rebreather) I assume it's safe to post pictures of all of them.

Munitions Pack
Vial Bandolier (available in Curse/Stun/Shock/Fire/Freeze/Poison/Sleep flavors, this one in particular is Curse)

Also if anyone's curious and is not near a computer right now/in general can't check themselves at the moment, the Node Slime Wall is a reskin of the Ironmight Plate Shield, and the Node Slime Crusher is a reskin of Sudaruska.

Bild des Benutzers Rekkusu

Wow thanks a ton! Those boosters look amazing, I can't wait to buy some of those later And make my knight look like a jet =D

Bild des Benutzers Ewbte


What happened to color palette?
For example military doesn't match military, cream color is pinky cream: http://i.imgur.com/6DONzvx.png

Bild des Benutzers Megawatt-King

Hey, you gotta pay CE for the keys so you can unlock those boxes! It's better than actual exclusive gear considering that. Plus, I'm digging the munitions pack.

Bild des Benutzers Scorcheir

Vial Bandolier or Bomb Bandolier? Which would look better with Toasty Node Slime Guards?

Bild des Benutzers Spiral-Spy
@Gkku Note these might not


"Note these might not all be available from the Titanium Lockbox."

They are not. Only the pack, lamp, rebreather and bandolier should be available in this box (along with the typical "blanks" and a chance for a shadow key).

Bild des Benutzers Spiral-Spy
I kinda felt like blogging

I kinda felt like blogging today (cleaning up some misconceptions). Enjoy.

Bild des Benutzers Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!


Just kidding.

This promo is awesome looking. Reminds me of Tenno somehow.

I wish that my SK computer didn't have a hard drive failure. For the last few days, I've been spending my every waking moment getting it running again.

Also, the Titanium Boxes are interesting.

Bild des Benutzers Gkku

Right-o. I assumed the boosters had been found in Titanium Lockboxes because I'd seen a screenshot of someone having both on their armor and it wasn't very clear where else they could have come from. I guess they just modified the files to make it look like they had those accessories.

@Any one wants to do vannaduke with me?

I am 5 star plz

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

How did you get the odds on your site?

Bild des Benutzers Spiral-Spy

"How did you get the odds on your site?"

The same way everyone does, I suppose: I employ an infinite number of monkies, but instead of giving them a typewriter, I let em play with dice. We simply live in a universe where they come up with the correct odds. Now, you may find that hard to believe, but it actually happens in quite a lot of universes. Personally, I'd rather have the monkies from universe #83432312434213. They come up with the numbers for powerball lottery.

Bild des Benutzers Sweet-Hope

So i got the first day a titanium lockbox and then decide to open it because i though would get something different than a crappy barrel belly or headband or maid headband. and what i get on my first try? another crappy barrel belly!!

if titanium lockboxes contain the 80% of the same accesories as lockbox. then for me dont worth another try to open them, when i saw they added titanium lockbox, My first though was "oh then we get another lockbox which probably drop rate its kinda low but you have a sure chance to get something nice instead a headband" and then there we would have: Iron Lockbox, Mirrored lockbox, and for this month titanium lockbox, but not.

titanium lockbox it just a ridiculous excuse to "make people" buy Silver key, because in the end you are opening the same iron lockbox with 2 or 3 new accesories inside of it which you probably wont get on your first try and would need to open 10 or even 20 to get at least 1 of the new accesories. then again OOO implemented bad this system, if they would want to make people buy more silver keys, why not then keep the iron lockbox, add the rare boxes some every pair of months, with the same rate of a mirrored lockbox, and sure chance to get a new accesory?. but not

well thats IMHO

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

So you made them up then? You either did that, or have access to some form of data. I'm unsure of how you could have access to said data, as the prize boxes likely only exist serverside where you couldn't possibly get to them.. I'll drop it. Like everything else.

Bild des Benutzers Spiral-Spy

Not quite. Titanium Lockboxes are a variation of the iron ones. You can get accessories (mostly) or a shadow key (rarely) from them. If you get a shadow key, it was worth buying the silverkey as shadow keys are roughly twice as valuable as silver ones. If you roll an accessory, you got roughly a 50:50 chance of either getting an old or a new one. That's actually a good thing, because you kinda want to have blanks in the raffle (you just don't want to draw them yourself).

It's actually a genuis thing by OOO to replace the iron lockbox with the titanium one (and probalby some other metal the next month) as currently the AH is flooded with iron no one wants.

Bild des Benutzers Poetry
Please fix the Munitions

Please fix the Munitions Pack. It sits much too high. I want to get one, but it clips with my hood :(

It really should be closer to the center of the back and not the shoulders.

Bild des Benutzers Klipik-Forum

In particular, a new weapon to destroy all trace of slimes even existing. I was thinking something along the lines of a heavy Shadow sword that has a very good chance to inflict strong fire on hit and has dmg bonus vs slime: Maximum!.



Bild des Benutzers Blazzberry

Since you guys are more likely to read this here rather than anywhere, how about some greaver+silkwing costumes?

Bild des Benutzers Bamzalot

"Since you guys are more likely to read this here rather than anywhere, how about some greaver+silkwing costumes?"

+1 would delay Gunner Update further please do I must be a griefing greaver.



Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

This thread really confused me until I noticed the date it was posted....


WEE let's all jump on a dead horse!