Angels Vs Demons is Recruiting!
Thu, 06/02/2011 - 20:48
Legacy Username
Angels Vs Demons is recruiting!
Looking for good tier 2-3 players.
But if your tier 1 and you feel you have a good handle on the game, don't hesitate to ask!
We're looking for active players who play at least 2 times per week.
Please list your:
Good Luck! We look forward to seeing you in our guild!
Bring honor to our name!
Send a tell to Silverfire, Crazywave, Wasp, or Evokie
if your interested in been par of The Order Of Angels we need to know this about you:
Knight Name:
Start Date:
What Tier or Rank you are:
Activity rating or if you play everyday:
How would you describe your activity:
Reason for wanting to join the order of angels vs demons: