Alright, gonna poke the pile of cow manure with this one. Whatever that means...
So...Auto Target.
The anti target arguments: NO SKILL NUB
Tha pro-AT arguments: MY CONNEKTUN SUX SEVERS *#/-/% POLARIS
So©, here is a possible fix. I llayed another game, which uodated the ping of each player real time. It showed that some people had single digit ping, while others had over 50) - 1000. I think OOO could implement a feature that only allows auto target in lockdown only, with some code to regulate it.
For example, they could add :
If the ping is over 100 (arbitrary ping value), AT is allowed. Else, AT is not allowed. Then, a player with low ping of, say, 69 (arbitraryily arbitrary) could not benefit from AT, while a player who libves on mars with a ping of 420k would be allowed to use AT.
Sso....let's see how much hate i get. Dont hurt meh! I iz only a paltry dish of pasta D:
Let the hunger games....commence¡
the only thing to fix in LD is people with high ego who claim to be perfect with all advantage they have~
LD community in old days is not this bad even lot of people were using AT before.. you know why? it because people with bad ego spreading issue about AT being overpowered, give range, and aimbot. jeez this is just minigame -_-'
want to know other funnies thing?
some people say AT increase bomb range and some people claim "polaris AT mode : on", and running shot while the truth AT on gun not active while walking.. seerusly this already happen in lot match.