Recently, I've been trying to get certain items with certain UV's, but then someone told me that UV's aren't worth it, as they're hardly noticeable. I asked him how & he responded that he bought a Leviathan with Medium CTR, but said it was a waste because he didn't notice the difference between the original & the UV Counterpart that much.
Are UV's really that useful or are they just minor buffs?
They are there, and are almost noticeable, but not much. For example, a Very High normal defense on a shield will get you one, maybe two more blocks before it blocks against normal attacks. CTR and IAS both seem to be percentage base, topping out at maybe a 20% decrease, at best. Unless you're really playing well, and using every second of play, you may not notice the UVs at all.
That being said, they are there, and they do provide benefit. In the end, the real question is what that minor buff is worth to you. You can play to end game without UVs (I have) but having them will likely make it just a little easier.