Just wondering who you guys thought were the best recon and striker gunners in LD currently. (Other than Tenkii for recon, already know he's OP) :P
Best Striker and Recon Gunners?
Yeah those two are probably two of my fave gunners. Always enjoy playing with them.
Mhmok is a really good striker gunner too. Other than the ones already mentioned, the only notable gunner I can think of is Dutch Oven, who plays Guardian. Sadly, LD doesn't have that many high tier gunslingers because pretty much everyone is a generic striker who just pulls out their gun loadout every once in a while and just switch shoot some alchemers with no creativity at all.
Mhmok doesn't count as gunner. He only shoots with his storm and then FF combo
In that sense, anyone who uses guns along with their swords don't count as swords(wo)men. I think the primarily determining factor is which weapon is the primary. In the case of Mhmok, it's guns. In most people's cases, it's a sword and that's what makes them swords(wo)men, even though they carry guns.
But Mhmok is more like an hybrid, he uses 1 sword and 1 gun. In my opinion someone is sworder if he brings more swords than guns.
eh, if you can hit well with guns, I'd say you'd qualify as a gunner.
Heck, I originally only picked up guns so I could gain proficiency with them as a sidearm (sword/gun/bomb ultimate hybrid), before realizing that well, recon's just better with guns as a primary weapon.
If I decide to use a hybrid loadout because swords are a useful sidearm for quicker kills, am I no longer a gunner? Not a pure gunner, but the skill is still there.
That said, don't Retequizzle and maybe Danielflame have respectable abilities with gun use, as strikers?
Dr-Bugos was okay for recon (I guess he kind of matched me speed-wise, but his aim suffered haaaard).
I'd also like to hope that League Of Gunners people are good or up-and-comers with gun skills, but most of the time, I see them use swords. Too bad.
Coreymonsta was the best striker-gunner IMO. Haven't seen him around lately.
mhmok used to play gun only and actually he was better than he is now.
we clearly can consider him as a gunner, a excellent one let alone!
Most of the "pro" gunners have highly UVed stuff, enough HP trinks to stop a train, and BKC/Shadowsun.
Most of the "pro" gunners have highly UVed stuff, enough HP trinks to stop a train, and BKC/Shadowsun
...are you trying to imply something from that?
Not saying that you're one of those kinds of people (hey, take it as just me ranting if not), but I have a huge annoyance for people who think that having good gear like some kind of significant handicap that, without those UVs/defense, they wouldn't be good players. It turns into an excuse to downplay someone else's win, the same as when people just accuse people of AT when they get hit more than twice in a row.
It's a naive mindset that people adopt when they don't want to admit the weight of skill (and has also lead to things like certain players wasting all their money and selling gear to roll a great UV on a single "OP" weapon, just to finally get it and have barely any benefit). To make the air around LD better (and to avoid having any more unfortunate victims like that), I'm against that mentality.
It's usually the opposite though: good players get good gear for stat optimization for their playstyles, and they're prepared to make use of those optimizations.
- max ASI and doesn't necessarily mean you can use it well (need to be able to control your movement and aim)
- max damage doesn't mean anything if you can't hit (need to be able to control your movement and aim)
- more health without good offensive skill only means you feed more damage when you die (need to be able to control your movement and aim)
See the theme? If you have movement, you can avoid hits or follow up on your own. If you have good aim (as a gunner), you can prevent yourself from getting hit by melee attacks, on top of the usual offensive implications.
Adding ASI means you have safer options, adding damage means you waste less time on your interactions, and more health just means you can survive more sneak attacks.
Also, and more related to the thread, is mhmok an EU player? I've never seen the name until this thread.
My point is that it becomes harder to tell skill when one has certain advantages.
Of course the ASI UVed Polaris/Valiance spamming BKC/shadowsun gunner will get more damage but that doesn't means skill. (you can sit in your base during a spawncamp and still rack up big numbers)
Players without boosts who outplay those who have those boosts are more skilled.
Switch shooting alchemers
Biohazard predictions
Aiming alchemer charges (to hit around edges)
Yeah that does sound like some of my guildies unfortunately. Still trying to convince them of the wonders of recon gunning. :P
Blazgunner was pretty good back in the day. He's a bit rusty now, but in the past the dude used to be great. He hit 10k damage down in T2 LD with Alchemers alone. I think he's actually in your guild too.
Blueflood was pretty solid before he liquidated his arsenal and retired. Not to mention he was chill. Miss the dude.
Blazgunner is a pretty viable threat as a gunner, though I wouldn't go as far as to say he's the best of the best.
As much as I dislike Alchemer Switching, Serian is a force to be reckoned with, and I've thrown a mild swear or two at my screen when I got status-locked.
I'd like to try my hand at gunning, I have loads of fun with my Biohazard and Valiance. Problem is, my control setup isn't too Gunner-Friendly. I suppose with some practice, a Touchpad or Arrow-Keys isn't that bad, but ultimately the Mouse/Gamepad will forever be superior.
^You practically need the mouse to lead shoot, but other then that youre controls shouldnt matter too much.
Looking forward to seei.g another gunner in LD :)
As much as I dislike Alchemer Switching, Serian is a force to be reckoned with, and I've thrown a mild swear or two at my screen when I got status-locked.
Just a note for newer recon gunners (because as cute as it is, it's kind of annoying when I realize they only have alchemers equipped), but I don't just use alchemers. I mean, in the general case where I want to cap/get on with whatever goal I'm going for, unlimited hatedriver (storm driver) will erase people with speed and lethality thanks to ASI/invinciframe destruction, but for people who have especially good footwork (those higher level strikers who seem to move faster than latency) and gunners, I use doubleswitched (aka single-weapon switching) Valiance - it's currently one of the best 1-on-1 weapons we have.
And yeah, I've only met a handful of players who use the same switch tech that I do so I've only gotten a glimpse of the frustration but hey, people will say what they will when they die but when you're using recon, you want to make your appearances count - if a status will help you kill quicker and move on to your next target / back to capping or keep you from getting hit, then go with it.
My philosophy with Recon (well, honestly, it's my philosophy in any competitive situation) is that, with exception of latency issues, it's always your own fault if you get hit - and especially so if you have a weapon with better range (unless you're just straight up outnumbered... lol - but then again it's your own fault for sitting in that situation!). The closer you get to "perfection", the better you can prevent yourself from getting touched by melee players, yes?
I'd like to try my hand at gunning, I have loads of fun with my Biohazard and Valiance. Problem is, my control setup isn't too Gunner-Friendly. I suppose with some practice, a Touchpad or Arrow-Keys isn't that bad, but ultimately the Mouse/Gamepad will forever be superior.
You can pull it off with Touchpad, for sure. I was a laptop-touchpad player in some crazy third-person normal-speed-bullet-dodging action game called GunZ forever ago so if that's possible, top-down SK should be possible too haha. Just of note, my performance did increase a ton when I actually did get a mouse, so yeah, you might not be the best you can be, but good enough to not suck :)
Arrow-keys might lock you into some directions, but with the right footwork, you can probably pull it off with that as well. Good luck!
Yeah, Blazgunner is pretty good, though IMO there are better striker gunners in my guild, such as Mynameis-Seven. Blaz is really rusty now, especially since he switched to a mouse and keyboard. Any other good recon gunners other than Tenkii/Seiran?
Well, seeing this thread rise from the ashes, I suppose it's only right that I chime in.
Tried gunning via touchpad, did pretty well... Until my laptop's fan broke and took the hard drive with it. With a new laptop in hand, the touchpad for this one is absolutely dreadful, and for some reason even with a USB mouse, the laptop only takes the input of one click per second.
SO instead of giving up, I opted for a different option while playing recon: the Magnus line. It's much MUCH friendlier with my whole arrow-key only setup, and I've been having tons of fun racking up the numbers with it. I even figured out how to do single-switch-shooting with the Callahan/Iron Slug (and soon-to-be Winter Grave!) to increase my DPS at the slight cost of accuracy.
As for other players I've seen? Well. Let's just say I'm too busy SETTLING IT IN SMASH to pay much attention.
When you hit Ctrl + F and type in your name, "0 of 0".
On topic ( In case my personal opinion 'could' be wrong ( AHAHAHA ) dun bash meh pls )
Recon - Tenkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Striker - No eyed deer.
Guardian - Dutch-Mcloven.
@Jleung Some of the best striker and recon gunners I know are Blueflood and Tenkii. They are both good at surviving as a gunner, being able to dodge and kill enemies with their guns in deceptive ways.
Blueflood does a lot of gunning on his YouTube channel; check him out.