I need +7 status resistance to be immune to a minor status and +10 to be immune to a moderate status. (It is difficult to find information on this and I don't know if it's accurate. Correct me if I'm wrong please.)
The very helpful Spiral Knights Wiki tells me the numerical value for each status resistance UV. (For example, High UV=3.) But the bars on armor do not tell me the numerical values and I'm not sure how to read them. Let's have a look at the Blazebreak Helm. How much fire resistance is this actually giving me?
I'm not sure about your +7 and +10, but they sound like familar numbers. You might try searching Google for something like "status immunity site:forums.spiralknights.com", if you haven't already.
Blazebreak's fire protection looks like +3 to me. How do I estimate this? I compare it to a bunch of other armors. Most of them carry +4 status resistance, when they have any at all. Snarbolax armor carries just +3. Blazebreak's bar looks like Snarbolax's.