Where can i hear all the SK Background musics? Or are all of the background musics are just not published yet to the internet?
(Background musics such as the music in Blast Furnace, Emberlight Town, Jelly King (the beginning of the stage), Aurora Isles, Graveyard, etc)
About SK's Background Musics

Thx! I searched in google but no correct result
Maybe "Background music" is the wrong word to use in google :P

When looking for videogame music, search 'OST' (original sound track) instead of 'background music'. It will most likely yield what you're looking for.

Search operators [https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/136861?hl=en] for future reference.

0.99$ for every OST and it cost 9.99$ to buy all 31 OST in iTunes T~T
I would rather wait for christmas for Steam to give high discount to many of the Steam games, or buy hats or keys in TF2
I would rather listen to the song through the game and remember the song and whistle the song, or play it in the piano.
Too much games with stuffs that is made only for the ppl that earn money or at least have money.

this thread may be what your looking for [http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/430]. Don't know the Absolute pathname for steam though. Otherwise, you can do a youtube search.

Or try taking the music files from your game files, i dunno if its illegal, but technically, its a thing you can do, i mean, yeah...
"Official Soundtrack Available Now"! announcement.