Gran Faust would be better for JK since it can inflict Strong Curse... but Acheron would be better for all the other jellies.... or is it? O.o
Urgh. >.< It's hard to think since I'm a dummy. Heeeeeeelp~ x3
JK Running: Gran Faust or Acheron?
GF is a heavy sword, and as such, it's good when you have 4+ things chasing you, in terms of damage per second. On a 1v1 setting, a lighter sword will deal damage much quicker.
One thing to note in that video is that the player used curse vials and didn't count on GF to curse.
When I'm in parties, I usually use GF's charge attack to do poke and deal massive damage + curse chance when the Jelly King is coming out of the pink invincible attack, but I usually count on my partner (if doing 2v1) or others to keep the extra damage and poison going.
If I had one, I'd go with the Gran Faust. I'm stuck with a regular ol' Faust right now, but the knockback and the wide attacks are useful when you're being swarmed by a bunch of Jellies.
I should probably at least try the Acheron or something before making a decision, but blegh.
The acheron is a smidge better for the jelly palace where everything attacks slow and predictably and you're able to make use of the 3 hit combo and overall faster attack speed, in t3 however you spend most of your time running and shielding and only making a few safe swings so the gran fausts higher one hit damage and range is a little preferred so it might be the better investment. Mostly up to personal opinion or aesthetics.
GF cause you can hit groups of jellies, whereas Acheron leaves you open to all the jellies you didn't hit.
And get a swiftstrike buckler. For the boss itself I prefer acheron tho. (well I only used the 4* versions so far)
GF. with very high curse resistance ull never get cursed from the charge attack.
You can kill JK with just curse without even poisoning it. especually so when it does the pink spins
Why would you use a fast sword on slow mob and a slow sword on fast mob? If you swing and miss you're going to get hit because won't be able to shield in time, while with fast swords even if you miss, the 2 first swings are so fast that you can get up the shield in no time. That it especially funny when you bring up tier3, while slimes aren't that much of a problem gremlins like to leap and then instantly attack. Also iirc, shield break + getting mobbed = certain death because getting hit interrupts your swings.
So yeah, op, i'd recommend the Gran Faust on Royal Jelly. If you are going to spam the charge attack bring with you remedy pills. They really help, (it takes 3,5 health bar to use one on a cursed slot iirc )
I love the Acheron line of swords so, that's me. Not a fan of the swing speed of sealed swords and even if I'm doing less damage the poke damage is pretty useful with good range.
I preffer Gran Faust cuz the Knockback is amazing vs Jellys.
Jelly King with GFaust.