Do you think Three Rings will ever put classes into this game? For example, the description for the Magic Hood is "An enchanting hood for knights who dabble in divination and contemplate conjuring."
This suggests this might be starter armor for possible upcoming mage classes. More indicators are the fact that some Gremlins use magic. (though this could be disputed because some would say they are monsters)
About weapon types, do you think Spiral Knights will always stick to just swords, guns and bombs? For example, the Spiral Warden is always seen lugging around a greatsword. It would be really awesome being a greatsword-wielding character, or something like a crossbow user, etc.
Post your ideas, speculations, suggestions, and anything else related to the subject here.
I don't think the game needs classes. At most these might indicate new weapon-types (similar descriptions make reference to "favouring" bombs/guns/swords etc).
I'd rather they don't represent magic in the game (at least not too heavily), as it spoils the "sci-fi" vibe going on with the mechanical devices, laser guns, the huge cog world, etc.