I keep running into a problem of what colors to use for the colorization table of Damages. The biggest problem I see is often, the colors are slightly off if not completely different.
So I have to ask, what base colors would be good for damage?
I was thinking something along the lines of:
*Effective: Gold (#FFFF00)
*Neutral: Light Cyan (#E0FFFF)
*Resist: Gray (#808080)
Along the lines of listing the damages by top to bottom (Effective to Resistant)
Any opinions on this?
It would be nice if the order were systematic. Vulnerable to moderate to resistant sounds good. And in some instances (e.g. Argent) there is a fourth "bonus" family above vulnerable.
I am weakly opposed to color. It's hard to find a color palette that works well with the surrounding colors, and that works well with itself, whether or not there are three or four colors needed. But maybe you can find a great palette.
On a related note, I think the "Show/Hide" behavior on damage tables is counterproductive. If I'm at Blitz Needle to read about Blitz Needle, then why not just show me the damage numbers for Blitz Needle? It's not as if it's a minor detail on a page overflowing with other useful information. It's a major reason why people visit these pages. And there are much bigger wastes of space happening (e.g. the fictional and incomplete "fire weapons set" on fire weapon pages).