==Mengh's Find-A-Seller-For-A-Buyer Service== was set up in order to help sellers get buyers / buyers find the items they need as soon as possible. It's a free service where I / others are able to help people redirect them to people who have the item / things they want.
Currently, it's only in a minimal state but hopefully soon, I can lay it out great in order to help functionality be it's best. Hopefully one day, it can help people find a buyer for their items and allow for transactions to happen without spamming or waiting for a long time. Down below, a list of featured buyers in order to advertise your wants and hopefully your transactions will be done!
Make sure to +rep if you found this thread helpful or leave a tip in the tip jar.
Featured Buyers:
Noxiousnarwhal: Vial Bomb Bandolier
Souless-Guardian: Snarby Coat / Cap / Set
Onewingedhorror: Any furniture
Cheshireccat: Jelly Shield with Norm/Pierce/Freeze/Fire/Stun High or Max.
Cricketheart: Polar Wolf Day Coat / Polar Tail
Aochy: ASI H Brandish
Putkinen: CTR Med Autogun
Cryptian: ASI High/VH Cutter
Moonstone-Shades: Black Kat Cowl
Rebel-Ex: Stun H Justifier Jacket or lower star / Mercurial Mail (or lower) Shock Max
Featured Sellers:
[A section where people can give an insight to their store / goods for a fee / if I choose to]
• Nhorson: Obsidian Edge Fiend VH! Pm Mengh or Nhorson offers.
Need help trying to find a seller for a specific item you want?
Just comment down below the item you are looking for and I'll help find you a seller(s).
Good luck with your transaction and so forth :B
- Apex-The-Master
- Cheshireccat
- Souless-Guardian
- Raggaprince
- Cryptian
Tip jar
[+1s,+reps or even crown donations]
1. +1 Hero-Of-Cheese
2. +1 Cheshireccat
3. +1 Thebronzedragon