What are we going to do with the damage table?
The current procedure for weapons is to label each group "versus X and Y", but battle sprites have exchangable harnesses, so it'd have to look like "versus X and Y with Z harness, or versus A and B with C harness or versus everything with iron harness".
Then there's Seraphinx and his dazzling light ray which throws extra damage against undead or fiends into the mix. What say you, wiki editors? (Or more likely just Bopp.)
It should probably go on the Battle Sprite page. If that page gets too full, we can move it later. I'm pretty busy this week, or else I'd do it.
It's interesting that the difference between weak and neutral is not a consistent amount (e.g. 65.5 points at depth 24). But maybe we're bumping up against the critical threshold for how bonus damage works somehow. I haven't taken the time to puzzle it out.
Great work, by the way. Someday soon the community will appreciate it.