I find them very difficult to handle when I go solo mode. Whats the best way to down these guys? >Devilites and Greavers<
I only have swords at the moment. Should I invest in a bomb or gun? If bomb I was thinking Shivermist or Ashes would be the best choice. I'm not really a gun person in this game so I have no clue on that.
Thanks for your help.
Strategy for Tier3 Fiends?
Yeah, Icee is totally right. I have a shivermist with reduced charge time and greavers are much easier to deal with using a flourish. It has a wide attack angle which is great for hitting greavers and you can attack once and shield for devilites very quickly.
When you say get a Flourish, Am I aiming for Final flourish Line? Or any of the lines like Flamberge. I have a Fierce Flamberge... I only got it due to the fact that the previous JK Gate had a fiends strata before the JK Strata. Since then I have not touched the weapon. Should I invest into it to make it into a Furious Flamberge?
Question: Opinion on the whole Flourish Line, Which is better? Flamberge or the actual Flourish line? What about the Rigadoon?
I personally don't feel the status effects on Rigadoon or Flamberge lines helps enough, so I'm using the main line. They just don't trigger very often, and if you're using the thing right, they'd be dead before the fire from the Flamberge would do much damage anyway.
I could use more advice on the Devilites myself though, since the swiing-and-shield doesn't seem to work. I get hit even when I cancel it as short as possible.
Oh and come to think of it there's another option now in the Snarble Barb line, but I've only just got the first one so I'm not sure how it compares as it upgrades. I ultimately want to try i out, but I can't imagine it being wonderful on the kinds of enemies you'd normally use it on since it's projectiles, and Wolvers and Devilites aren't particularly vulnerable to those.
From what previous posts are saying bombs wouldn't be as effective against greavers because they're to fast but it may be great against devilites if you can weave or dodge their attacks. I used my flamberge and its a bit difficult to land combos against greavers without missing the last hit and completely overswinging them.
For greavers, my best strategy is to pray, swing my Divine Avenger and use the knockback to keep them away. The timing has to be right (as they are charge attacking) and I actually use both swings in succession. Devilites are challenging enough that I haven't really found a strategy aside from trying to split them up. Some rooms just don't allow for it. Having a 5* shield barely keeps me alive. Using a 4* shield doesn't work at all.
Greavers are very simple monsters to beat once you realize that you can 100% completely stop them in their tracks for a relatively long amount of time by simply hitting them at least once while they're in their ''charging'' animation.
Any tips on Devilites?... I've started trying to do the hitting while in charging and it helps alot in killing them but its difficult when theres mutiples all charging at different times. While you swing at one another comes at you or I'm not fast enough to shield after I swing at one.
Johnnieh, are you using a flourish for very quick swings? I've had the best luck trying to engage as few as possible and then concentrating on dodging. I only attack when none have the little red attack marks flashing. The forward movement from the flourish swings can help dodge the others too.
Sabotage their economy by collecting their thrown chairs and selling it for higher.
simple greaver strategy. 2 hit sword. Herd em and aoe smack em. every hit interrupts their attack animation.
Shiver it up when they are frozen I will use my Da on them to clear them try it out tell me what you think
u can skip shiver and just use DA slashes with greavers. for devilites, u can use DA slash+shield or shiver+Levi charge combo.
How about in levels such as the plazamonium or sin city where you have a bunch of devilites in very small rooms? Any tips there? My shield always seems to break and then I get flash-mobbed by office supplies =(
On the flourish lines: I use a furious flamberge and it works just as well as the final flourish. I'm not sure on the exact numbers difference (would love to test this out if someone has a final flourish - IGN: Milkman) but I'd say that you don't even need an extra swing to finish off the devilites/greavers so it makes no difference in the end.
In small rooms i just use magma driver, i run in a circle and shot into the middle of the circle - devilites are dumb enough to jump back and forth and get hit by the spam, sometimes even twice by the same bullet (lol)
Greavers are too fast for a bomb to help much when solo. In a team (even just a pair), shivermist can be helpful.
Get a flourish. They swing relatively quickly and the piercing damage does extra to fiends.
Also, you probably need to add some shadow defense. Greavers are horrible not just because they are quick and do damage three ways (bite, mist, and balls), but because they do shadow damage and even the much vaunted Vog Cub set offers no shadow defense. Either equip a couple of dread skelly charms or find a helmet and/or armor with good shadow defense to equip for fiend tiers.