Pretty self-explanatory. This sheet holds defence values for every 5* item that provides defence in the game, excluding Sprites because they're not relevant to LD and their values are equal to UVs anyway. The majority of these values are derived by comparing defence bars to see which values are shared between items. I thought it was kind of annoying to have to compare stuff every time I wanted to do maths on defence so here it is. I'd have posted in Wiki Editors but then again no one reads that section.
I suggest using the simplified sheet due to better organisation. The helmet and armour sheets are sorted alphabetically rather than logically. The exception is BKC, which is listed underneath the other Kat Cowls because that's how the wiki did it and I just copied the lists of helmets and armours from the wiki.
Have fun!
Lockdown uses depths from the Clockworks?
This makes no sense.