Ridiculously high level of fun, jokes and mighty jelly king.
So, are you looking for guild? Why not try from the darkness?
Besides the best guild name, we also have coolest crew. Our guild masters will take care that you won't get a break from fun and cookies.
One of our guild masters, Darkhuby, is also a cookie master. He never runs out of jokes (you will have to make sure that joke isn't on you). I, as creator of this guild and weed dealer (yes, you can buy weed at my office) will always be there to help you (unless GM Atalanta comes and spanks me with banstick). Need advice? Ask me. Are you bored? Just use /g and we will cure you.
Anyway, the best way to find out more our great members is to join us. So lets start with FAQ.
*how do i join you?
You can search for any of our members, ask him to tell one tell officer or gm.
You can visit us at our guild hall.
You can send request by mail to: Me, Darkhuby, Jontz, Zina-princess, Aljosas or Vileast.
*Are there any conditions of joining?
Yes, only one. You have to know the difference between joke and insult. If you master this skill tjen you are ready to join us.
*Do i have to donate or anything like that?
You don't have to if you don't want so. We are sire happy to see members donating but we won't force you.
*But, are you still going to treat me like everyone else even if i don't donate?
Sure, you won't get demoted, kicked, etc.
*So, is there any way of getting kicked?
Yes, there are 2 ways:
#if our guild is full, and someone asks if he could join we kick a player that has been inactive for more than a month.
#if you can't behave we will kick you in a second, there's no place for bad karma in this guild.
*What will i get if i join you?
We will make sure to overdose you with fun, if you need help with a mission we will be happy to help you, in times of events we will organise guild farming and make sure that you will get as much as you can from event. There is more but i don't want to spoil a surprise.
Allow me to say this again, for joinig us contact : Me, Darkhuby, Jontz, Zina-princess, Aljosas or Vileast.
you like cookies? then join the darkest and the best guild around here. from the darkness is now looking for new members
Tue, 08/05/2014 - 15:31
watch this and join us for more FUN :D
(cookies are for everyone)