Autotarget customization
I'd like to have option to turn autotarget on/off for swords, and guns, and separate settings. Normally I want to have them both on, as it lets me get a hit more often. However when there are spikes, like in danger rooms, autotarget with a sword sends me flying into spikes when i don't expect it, but i still want to be able to have my gun autotarget the monsters in the middle of the spikes. On the flip side, there are rare occasions when I don't want my gun to autotarget, as i'm trying to place a charge attack in a specific spot so the burst hits something farther away.
I believe that op IS talking about how he wants to aim a charge attack but can't because the forced auto targeting.

Well there's a button for that. Holding that down stops auto aim for charge attacks.
Except that button is there for you to strife with.... I hope the devs add a real way to turn off the auto targeting.
You've clearly not read my post. I want ONE option for guns, and ONE option for swords, for reasons detailed in the OP, specifically things like danger rooms, that are full of spikes, so auto targeting with a sword is dangerous, but auto targeting with a gun is very nice.
Therefore a response of "you can turn auto targeting off" isn't productive, because i want GUN auto targeting ON, and SWORD auto targeting OFF.

Well sorry, you don't have to be a jerk about it -_-
That is my "Daddy told you the pan was hot, then you burned yourself, now what did you learn" voice. My jerk voice wouldn't have been so polite about it.

I didn't understand the separate settings part. I read your post and the autoaim button does most of what you want (albeit it'd be a lot better if it was a toggle button instead of requiring to be held down) and having some kind of setting for each weapon type seems a little overly complex. I was just trying to help, suggesting a possible solution which I thought might help so sorry for not understanding properly and trying to help.
Check your options in controls. There is a button for auto target (Which when held down either auto target or not depending on settings) and at the very button is a tickbox for auto aim. Very handy I think but be aware this tickbox doesn't apply to all attacks =0 (that includes charged attacks and machinegun attacks which is what I've tested so far)