On several levels involving the Gun Puppies who shoot the red and white rockets. The ones that cause fire damage on impact, I have encountered problems. I will run into the proximity of the gun puppy (just like normal), the gun will turn towards me and fire except the rocket will be either invisible or underneath the map. This is a problem as I cant see the projectile until it hits me and explodes. Hope my report helps you make an amazingly awesome game just a tiny bit better.
Fire Rocket Gun Puppies
I made a thread about this back in April. It still hasn't been addressed.
Oh, good, it's not just me. I've been sporadically /bug reporting this from within the game for some time now. It makes rocket puppies incredibly difficult to fight, since the true trajectory of the rocket isn't actually visible.
To amplify the description: For me, the rocket's never been entirely invisible, but it often redraws just "off" from where it was a moment ago, and it often gets its z-index way wrong, such that it's sometimes way above the clockwork deck, sometimes below.
It's not just rocket puppies, too. Somewhat less often I've encountered red rovers where the blast of fire is drawn as well above the clockwork deck such that it obscures the playing field, so I can't see myself or any other creature until the fire goes away.
I have this problem too (a lot of people do) so you're not alone.
I want to hate Rocket Puppies for their fiery rockets, not their invisible fiery rockets.