Which antugia should i use
Sat, 06/04/2011 - 12:21
Which would be good for this setup on atugia
Miracle set
Sat, 06/04/2011 - 16:07
Legacy Username
Work towards getting both.
Get an Argent Peacemaker for running Vanaduke (Callahan works nicely too) and then get the Sentenza for future PvP. I get good utility out of my Silversix. It's not essential, but they're fun. The damage difference between the 3* Antigua and the 4* Silversix is noticeable.
well in my opinion the only reason you would need the antigua is for its speed to break down the minerals xD seriously valiance and iron slug for a normal element gun or a piercing one would be better so that you would be ready for any and all ennemies. right now the antigua line is more for show than anything else. I'll have to complain a little, but compared to the sealed swords line, the antigua line is really useless, and it still has the same degree of rarity ! even a gunslinger fond of it will tell you that you can find a better gun easily, so don't raise your hopes too high and don't get it thinking it will be useful :) ( unlike me T-T )