All I intend to say in this post is that it's better to use bombs for countdowns instead of counting in chat. Just start the duel when the bomb blows up. It can't be a haze bomb, of course. Blast Bombs are ideal, but you could also use low-star bombs (Proto Bomb, Cold Snap, Firecracker, Static Flash) with the added benefit of causing less effects on the screen which reduces lag for the participants.
It's easier for both participants to see, it's impossible for the one counting to become horse, and the start of the battle comes predictably.
A better form of countdown for 1v1s
Why not? Starting a duel should be about having the participants start at the same time, don't you think? I don't think there's any compensation for latency in bomb fuses but either way, it will let the participants know exactly when they're starting, and that should be a good thing.
If you know when to start before the start signal, you will after many times start too early by accident. I've seen it even with the current system. It will only occur a lot more often with a bomb telling you "go".
That's a fair point. I find one problem with people who just say "go" to be that sometimes you aren't even ready because you haven't realised you're about to start. Maybe one option is to distance the participants more than the size of a capture point, which would basically make early starts useless anyway.
you could just use party flares or storm callers since they're more immediate and don't require typing
all the judge needs to do then is verify that both players are ready before letting one loose, which also mitigates the issue of people "jumping the gun". you go when the gun fires or the lightning strikes. the only variable then is when the judge decides to let it go, which can actually lend itself to being a solution to the predictability behind it.
at that point, the only actual issue is finding them for decent prices.
Isn't that the same problem as the bomb, then? Those items have casting animations.
How about start the 1v1 when the clock reaches X time, or X score similarly?
Why not have a magnus-line weapon being shot in the middle? It's like one of them starting guns in when starting a race and really adds to the fun ;3
That, too, is a good idea. It's impossible to do once the timer hits 0 and you're in an infinite, though. At least with the timer. I guess you could still go on the points then.
It works and is great because Magnuses yo but it's not very good, since they aren't too easy to see coming.
I think Nitronome and/or Blaster line charge would be good.
Blaster charge is really flashy.
It's suppose to not be predictable.