is it me or do a lot of people groan when treasure vaults come around? i know i do, so why cant we get the old ones back? they were so much more interesting and was one of the best parts of last preview with the gold trojans and awsome drops. now its like hit this, boom. now you have 1 heat and 10cr. or you could always replace them with a miniboss part before them. for now its wasting my energy.
treasure vaults
Fri, 01/07/2011 - 20:06

Sat, 01/08/2011 - 09:08
Legacy Username
I'm not feeling so lucky.
I've been through lots of Treasure Vaults in this game, and I've never once been lucky enough to get anything valuable. The Core gives better rewards than the Treasure Vault.
I fully agree with Fallout, we should have the old Treasure Vaults back. Of course this means they'd have to be rarer to balance it out, but that's a small price to pay.
Sat, 01/08/2011 - 10:05

Some changes to treasure
Some changes to treasure vaults are forthcoming. They should alleviate some of the issues you are experiencing with them.
It does feel like Treasure Vaults are pretty hum-drum in terms of the rewards. Sometimes due to bad luck of the drop table you end up with a bunch of shards, vials and generic materials even when you are in the 20+ depths. I feel like the oft talked abou Wolver's Den tends to have a better heat, crown and payout than Treasure Vaults. Except for those occasional times you get lucky and a good item drops.