Actually Contri doesn't do that... he manipulates the economy.
Confection Prize Box discussion

@Itsmeandersonlol: By buying things for low prices and selling them high? Energy included in the category of "things" of course. If that's what you mean, that takes quite a while to get into, let alone making good profits.
Also, to keep this thread on it's rails, those power mitts look really silly.

I'd like to point something out about it being a 10% item- namely that it shares that spot with one other item, and that boxes cost 3.57 to 5 dollars a piece, depending on if you blow fifty dollars on a "free to play" game.
The expected number of boxes that it will take to unbox a single mixer is 20, as the odds are 1 in 20. 20 prize boxes implies that the item costs between 3.57 * 20 and 5 * 20 dollars, depending on which ones people buy and how often etc. This puts it as a 71.42 to 100 USD item, which blows most IOS games that people see as being stingy and ugly out of the water. If it got down to 500,000 crowns (which seems plausible but doubtful, given its status), then it would cost about 6,600 energy to purchase at 7500 cr/100 ce, which comes out to just under a 20 dollar energy purchase. While this is a much better deal all around, we don't know that the price will drop so far, the number of the item available will still be limited beyond much more than just supply and demand, and most importantly, almost every other gear piece in the game costs less than a third of to produce, discounting radiant fire crystals which the new gun will also require.
They already have something special, actually. Prismatic chapeaus, drenched auras, gun puppy drakon, bloom halo, power pistons... need I go on? All of these things could have been made attainable to the rest of us in some way that would better the game and expand upon it in some fashion, but they weren't and I'm fine with that.
At this point, I don't get tortoguns so that I can beat the game. I get tortoguns so that I can play with tortoguns and continue to have fun with the game. Like you said, new weapons are always cool and I probably won't be getting this one, which means that I will probably have less fun, eh?

Okay, when I saw new promo, I was downright frustrated. "Darn it, Three Rings! Another set of incredibly rare and flashy costumes! *Flips table*"
Then I saw the drop chances. "Meh, okay. *Unflips table*"

I really love the charge on this gun. Two bullets spin around each other. The charge has four bullets spinning around. Two separate nodes of two bullets each pinwheel around each other and explode... This is awesome.
I feel it is worth it buying this gun with crowns... consider it your objective. I bet it will go 1m crowns tops, which sounds an awful lot, but with expertise in merching and patience you can get much more crowns than that.

@Itsmeandersonlol: Thing is, with merchanting, you have to have crowns and expertise to make crowns. I have neither. I guess I could sit here and wait for OOO to release a different version of the mixer but with the same mechanics that is more easily available to the general populace, but I would be waiting a LONG time.

Just rolled one with ASI VH, so I'll check it out in LD. I'm selling it, too, so check out the Bazaar post. :)

Flamesthrone, you can get a pretty penny for it. It's amazing in Lockdown.

My gun hasn't been heated. It's amazing. Killing strikers off one by one.
- Best part is when strikers kill you but shots come back and kill them! (The shots always come back to you)
- Horrible damage against Ancient Plate mail (about 5%) obviously
- The attacks don't go through the base wall like most guns. (Your own base)

Also uncovers Recons nicely...
Easy defeat: Spam 3 shots then move in close to the enemy as the bullets come back.

Looks like the gun is pretty much THE thing to get in this promo. I can't imagine F2P players being happy with its uniqueness being limited to those with money. I can understand that; I used to be purely F2P until the first Apocrea event, at which point I simply couldn't resist the Obisidian costumes. Since then, I've been waiting for the ONE promo that would be worth spending money on in a long while, and this is it.
(I've also been waiting for certain other things - *cough*gunnerupdate*cough* - but that's another can of worms entirely.)

"I agree and disagree.
I was angry when I missed the first BK event (I was on a hiatus). The *only* piece of shadow bomber gear in the game and it's a limited event item!?! How dare they!"
Difrence between promo items and event items are huge. To get event items nobody have to pay real money, you doesn't have only one chance ever to get this and you can buy it from other player at fairly good price.
If someone will later ask when SK started to dying, I would point at Confection Prize Box Promotion. If Gunner Update will not change this - It is the moment when Pay to Win in this game started because of Three Rings' desperation.
How has SK become P2W when you have 5* lvl 1 items that are downright worst than other guns/swords...
Yeah the gun is unique, is cool and feel fresh, but in no way shape or form does this gun makes Sk P2W. Go kill vana with it and tell me if blitz is faster or not.
SK isn't only about PvP and broken guns in PvP are actually bad in PvE most of the time so... heh... gun kinda suck, polaris does a better job overall and blitz deal more DPS
Useless unique items yet again

>you can buy it from other player at fairly good price.
For the small, small price of 2.000.000 crowns! Anyone who isn't a chinese farmer or a happy merchant can't afford that.
Oh, and P2W started much longer ago with OCH.
Do you really want a more annoying weapon than polaris to get in pvp? Think about what you said.
At least everyone can get the polaris without having to spend an absurd ammount of money...
Different tools for different jobs, buddy.
Nothing tops blitz when it comes to kill vana. NOTHING. But that doesn't mean the new gun won't ravage a whole group of skeletons as hard as players on pvp, SPECIALLY if its normal bullets can possibly punch through them.
There is yet to be a video actually showing it killing enemies though.
Really? Defending p2w? I'm fine with cosmetic gibberish being exclusive to players with money, but exclusive game-changing gear? Why.

"For the small, small price of 2.000.000 crowns! Anyone who isn't a chinese farmer or a happy merchant can't afford that.
Oh, and P2W started much longer ago with OCH."
Eh, mate. Im talking about event items. And OCH was tradeable on Steam.

Buggy content behind pay wall: a point if the issue we aren't hammering.
Even if we ignore pay-for-content issue, which will end with a small and futile uproar of disgruntled players and OOO cashing out these boxes in a big way, as far as SK scale goes.
A major problem is that the weapon you're gambling for is glitched, buggy in LD and does normal damage and not elemental. To release bugged content and say "buy this" is worse than the gamble-wall the "release" is implemented with.

Ah. Still, you had to farm a stupid lot and praise the RNGod for it to even spawn Black Kats, can't really say the event was that good. Still better than having to buy the cap with real money though.
And OCH was only tradable for people who had Steam DRM. Anyone who had a SK only account couldn't get it without spending money.

General Discussion isn't my favorite place to post but it seems as though you guys need some insight.
First, think about this, ITS ONLY THE FIRST FREAKING DAY OF THE PROMO. Realize this, its a 10% drop, and I have already seen them go for 500K. I guarentee by the 5th or 6th day of the promo, these prices will be a lot lower than you guys expect. Who gives a crap about the usefulness or the P2Wness of an item....the fact here is, these Mixers, accompanied with a lovely 10% drop chance are going to start popping up everywhere. Just like with the Costume pieces that are also in the prize box; first few hours of the Promo, I saw Chef Hats go for atleast 150K but now, only a day later, they are going for 50K each.
Secondly, events, and promos are a completely different story. If I was accually invested in the last Apocrean Event, I could have ended up with 3-4 Grasping Auras and had a nice 2 Mil in my pocket. But with promos, I could spend $20 and hope for a rare item that will be un-boxed numerous other times as the price of it eventually dwindles.
With everything factored in, the F2P Knight who is invested in the game will ALWAYS and I really want to stress ALWAYS, come out on top.

I would expect quite a few people to care about the "P2Wness" as you put it of an item, actually. Lets say I'm a T2 player and I see that super cool T3 with an amazing 5* weapon, wrecking havoc in the jelly palace like he belongs there.
"OMG HOW DID YOU GET THAT AWESOME THING???", they will ask. One of these sounds really really lame.
A) I fought the tortodrones during an event, and crafted it from their shells. You can get one some day.
B) I paid the developers 20 dollars for it / sat in haven selling stuff for a week for it.
C) I beat this level that we're on now, and then applied the various rarities to craft it up to par.
D) I fought this terrible mission around christmas time, but its just a reskin- you can craft a perfectly fine one from the Hall of Heroes.
E) I paid the developers 20 dollars for it / sat in haven selling stuff for a week for it. But its just a reskin of sudaruska, which you can get..
"So you mean that someday I too can-"
A) Fight the tortodrones to craft cool gear to show off.
B) Waste a massive amount of time or money on a single weapon in some F2P game.
C) Get a gun like that to use against future challenges.
D) Work towards cool and fun looking trophy weapons.
E) Benefit the developers and receive cool looking gear, if it is of my choosing.

So... how much i expect to pay for this gun right now? and how much i should pay in the 5th or 6th day? i only have 32k Ce but i dont want all my Ce go just in one gun.
honestly what annoys me with this its that items like mixer, with a new mechanic its a pay only gun, and that worries me that future promo will bring things like this i mean "unique things" which one can get with promos. i really doubt those "chances" (i mean 10% chance its a fair chance i have seen in a OOO promo) it just thing of 1 time only, and the next promo wouldnt have that fair chance making the next "unique item" more expensive and hard to get.
32kCE is more than enough for this gun. It is 10% chance rather than 1%, people are just holding on them now because it is new and hot, and everyone wants it. I highly doubt if it would be anywhere above 600k in 2 weeks.
To be honest, 10% is a fair chance, they could have made it 1% and people would still complain about it while the P2Wers (losers like me) would buy it with real life money.
I P2W because I find time more valuable than money, grinding 7 hours for a Grasping Aura? Hell, a minimum wage job in Australia gives you $140, that is literally 5+ auras. I did feel somewhat accomplished after acquiring it. But still, that is 7 hours. I do not find much fun in grinding missions over and over again. It is a perspective problem.
People should stop debating on these things, if someone wants to throw money at a game, let them be! If someone refuses to pay, so what? As I have said, this gun is unlike that Celestial Shield, it would end up at an affordable price just like the Spiral Soaker.
Oh and for lockdown? People would find good ways to counter this gun, it is just a matter of time. It is not OP, the trajectory is predictable unless you live in a giant lagzone like I do, and in my case I do not play LD constantly.

Oh and for lockdown? People would find good ways to counter this gun, it is just a matter of time. It is not OP, the trajectory is predictable unless you live in a giant lagzone like I do, and in my case I do not play LD constantly.
I'm already theorycrafting around it lol. It definitely looks to be shorter than Blaster/Antigua/Pulsar range (a weapon is only a danger if you're in range of it - which is also one of my own arguments as to why I don't care about AT - but I digress). The width of it looks like it might be a problem.
It definitely looks way more normal-usable than tortofist though.
Really, the main thing that causes people to complain about this is that most things up til now have been achievable or accessible by F2P players in some form or fashion:
OCH was eventually purchasable with CE.
CE came from actual player purchases and trickled into F2P player hands via CR conversion/trading.
came from actual player purchases and trickled into F2P player hands via CR conversion/trading
No problems here.

Tried to buy one mixmaster... merchant asked me for 70k E for a clean mixmaster...
i honestly start to think if people will sell them while the promo is running, because yeah im kinda pessimistic right now but im going to start thinking they would sell those stuff after the promo ends. this what annoys me. i could try the boxes but i know that i would end spending more than 150 USD just to get the single gun, which i dont going to get because right now RGN hates me :C
wished they could just put the gun in supply depot but then i remember that could be unfair for all the players as OOO told me. well time to start saving again Energy

I'm So excited for this prize box!

70K is way overpriced, the most you should pay is 10K

Hopefully SK will make these cooking weapons available to earn/craft during the Caketastrophe event.
Allowing us to purchase rare materials during the event for slices and then crafting at the Strange Alchemy machine.
# +1 HN if you like

About pricing, I was thinking it would be like Spiral Soaker (400-500k), that was the most popular weapon during its promo, was a 10%, but it was a reskin. It was still kind of hard to get though. But since this is a brand new weapon people will want/be willing to pay more so who knows.

Im still hopeful, maybe well get a free version of the mixmaster in the gunner update..... when it arrives :/

I know that they've gotten special cosmetic items in the past, but I think any time a consumer buys something, he or she should get something valuable in return, each and every time. The items those people purchase (with real money) should be consistently valuable. It shouldn't alternate from promotion to promotion.
So far, I think only two weapons have been made exclusive. And I'm okay with that. There are dozens of FREE alternatives. The vast majority of weapons, items, levels, content is available free of charge (although, I'm not very fond of the Shadow Lair keys).
But I'm willing to bet that if you gave the new weapon to 100 random people, 90-95 of them would consistently fail to defeat a skilled player (who was using the usual LD weapons) in lockdown
That said, I do understand what you mean. A lot of the levels and the enemies in this game have grown stale, and new weapons would certainly provide a fresh angle when tackling them over and over again.
But we just recently got the torto guns, so I feel like OOOs was nice enough to give free players something special before they gave paying customers something special too.
For a year and a half, I played this game with a Leviathan Blade and a Silversix (or Master Blaster), so most weapons seem new to me.
There's just so much variety. It's difficult for me to focus on just one or two new items when I haven't even experienced the majority of the weapons that are available. (The Radiant Crystal drought is partly to blame).
@ Megawatt-King
It's not that I'm defending P2W, it's just that I don't see that being the case here.
95-99% of this game is free.
Imagine if there was a store (in real life) where 95-99% of the items were free. Would we really call it a Pay2Shop store?
Almost everything is free. Almost everything is available to everyone free of charge. Focusing on just one or two items almost seems petty.
I remember a time when EVERYTHING cost money. Entertainment was expensive. Today, not only can you get things for cheap, you can get things for FREE. It's something that still astounds me.
And now we live in a world where you can build a massive gaming collection through Humble Bundles, inexpensive seasonal Steam sales, and hundreds of free-to-play gaming options.
So it's impossible for me to sit here and be ungrateful when OOOs provides a game that's almost completely free.
Think about it: It's almost all free. You don't have to pay anything to play it.
How much more can we ask of them? They need to make money too.
Look, I don't like everything that OOOs does (Shadowsun Set/Shard Bomb switch, Radiant Crystal drought, nerfing enemies, things of that nature), but this I can't complain about.
OOOs isn't a non-profit. Buying boxes isn't a donation. It's a purchase. And people who purchase something should get something valuable in return. And the people that don't shouldn't.
But...OOOs is nice enough to give us almost everything for free anyway. So let's be grateful for what they give us and for free games in general.

People that pay DID get something valuable in return until now. If I am in the market for weapons, as you say, I buy weapons which cost energy. If I am in the market for costumes and do not need weapons, I can buy that via a prize box. Now however, I must gamble to buy weapons. It's like the grocery is forcing me to play scratch cards to win my food instead of just giving it to me. The alternative is the long line of people that accidentally scratched off bread and are now trying to sell it out front of the store.
I don't value recoloured chef suits- why should I pay for them?
On the other side of this, what you ARE paying for, if you get it, is somewhat misguided. You're arguing that in order for the mixmaster to be valuable, it should have unique mechanics, which implies that what you get is some sort of "unique signature weapon" type thing whose purpose is to make you feel unique in turn. Companies selling products whose goal is to provide self esteem are the sort of thing that comes across as a sign of corporate wickedness to me, and people valuing that don't exactly change much.

I was never a fan of the boxes/lottery system either. I don't like seeing my friends open boxes, only to be disappointed by the contents.
I would rather see OOOs offer a unique weapon for sale in the depot or on steam twice a year to ensure that when people spend money, they actually get the item they want. But even if they sold the weapon directly to people for CE or Steam Cash, it would still be a luxury purchase.
Some people have more disposable income than others, and if they want to spend it on the game, that's their prerogative. I see nothing wrong with it, so long as they're able to control their spending (and I really do hope most people are budgeting properly). But if owning a unique item makes them happy, and they can afford it, then I'm all for it.
I know it might seem like companies take advantage of people when they sell luxury items, but those items are being marketed to a niche group that has the means to purchase them.
Think of the new weapon as a luxury item that you wouldn't ordinarily buy. It's a diamond ring, not food.
Of course, just like in real life, people spend more than they have on things they don't need. I certainly don't need these boxes. I don't need the new weapon. It's not a basic necessity for me. Don't get me wrong, I like to window shop. I like to look at them, and I think they're cool, but I'm not willing to spend real money to get them.
I consider the boxes and depot accessories "luxury items."
I just don't see it as a basic necessity. The game can be played without it.
It's like a power glove, a joy stick peripheral, an auto-fire/turbo controller, etc. Those things offer a different experience, but you can play a game without them.
(Although, there are some NES games that can only be played by purchasing an extra peripheral, but that's a whole different subject).

Oh but in this day and age unnecessary things are our only necessities..

We all need different things, but that's probably true for a lot of people in the game, especially the long time players that have played through all of the content.
While I think OOOs has the right to sell unique weapons if they want to, they probably made something of a public relations error by releasing a unique weapon BEFORE the Gunner Update.
They would have been wise to have waited and released it AFTER giving us more new weapons than we could handle. That way players would have been distracted and they wouldn't have focused on one new weapon being sold for cash.
But as it stands, people were waiting for new weapons, and OOOs released this one in front of them, so maybe it came across as inconsiderate, especially since the company announced the Gunner Update like a year ago.
So yeah, in a manner of speaking, for those players that have burned through the available content, new content can seem like a necessity when they're waiting for the company to deliver on a promise.

Yes yes, I realize that you're a fan of corporate greed over the creation of a more fun product somehow. Lets move on though.
I have a set of prize boxes that I was hoping to sell for 500,000 crowns, I mean 1,000,000 crowns, each. Would you happen to want any? They're luxury items that will give you something that you value. There are two of them, and I won't tell you from which promotion they came until you mail me the crowns to my Fehzor account.
I'm also pretty sure that this changes another argument as well. Specifically-
"The promotions can only do good, as the art team can develop them while waiting for the programming team to code things."
In other words, the complaint that SEGA should "release less promotions and more actual content" is much more valid, now that the mixmaster is out and promotions require both coding and artwork.

In other words, the complaint that SEGA should "release less promotions and more actual content" is much more valid, now that the mixmaster is out and promotions require both coding and artwork.
On the nose, me boy. *Blows pipe*

>In other words, the complaint that SEGA should "release less promotions and more actual content" is much more valid, now that the mixmaster is out and promotions require both coding and artwork.
There is no evidence to suggest that the mixmaster required coding, how much do we know about how OOO creates their game assets? I would argue that the fact that it shot through walls and did normal instead of elemental damage might suggest that an artist did make the gun through and through. It would be an inefficient system if every gameplay element was dependent on extra coding. Naturally I assume there is some editor program, even if it doesn't ship with the game the devs probably have one.
The complaint that SEGA should "release more actual content" is still valid, I won't argue against that.

It has a new attack pattern that has never before been seen in game. What more evidence do you need that it required some form of programming?
If an artist DID code it, then why would we differentiate between artists and programmers? That so called artist could have just worked on say, helping code the gunner update instead.

There's always the possibility that the code for the Mixmaster was an unused asset that the artist applied to their gun design. It could've existed already, but only on their super secret testing area.

As a current SGD student I have to say that everyone regardless of what path you choose have to dabble in each aspect of the gaming business to graduate. This means that even though I am studying for the art side of the business I still have to learn how to program and must understand design, business, and other aspects of the industry.
Simply put, an artist could indeed have made these, or perhaps someone coding stuff to keep the updates up and running stayed late while working on this item. This buggy gun could have slipped by in playtesting since the gunner update is in the final stages and a lot of energy is invested in that endeavor.

Or the Illuminati could have given them the code.
And now they are presumably attempting to fix the buggy wall hacks, using... more artist code that originated from the super-secret code vault?
The original argument was as follows:
Extra effort from the art team is typically not needed once the art assets are done, as all of the artists must wait for the programmers to catch up to them. Therefore, the promotions don't cost the development team very many resources, as the artists would have excess time any way.
I was under the assumption that this was after we accounted for any artist + programmer hybrids switching over. If all of the artists can code things as well as produce art then the argument holds no weight at all, up until the point where the team has far too many programmers, which has also been stated as being not the case. Only so much of this can be chalked up to my not understanding how a development team works, and apparently that includes all of it and anything I can possibly say.
Morever, this whole debunkle ignores the fact that this is SEGA we're talking about rather than some small indie company, as well as the bit where we shouldn't have to understand every facet of the gaming industry to say "you know, I really don't like how this company is behaving with its product." That is our power as the consumer, especially when we have legitimate games to compare our system to- namely, Team Fortress 2 and its crate system that costs half as much as ours does with better results.

I'm hoping that the mixmaster is a prototype for another gun we'll get in the gunner update, since we all complained about 24 guns being reskins and just different crafting lines. If this is the case, the code for the mixmaster may have been laying around and an artist wanted to create a gun to go alongside it.
@Itsmeandersonlol: Yeah, by grinding FSC constantly all day every day, but not everybody has the time to do that.