As the title says i have seen someone who said he had a few misttanks left and im kind of wondering how he did that?
Multiple misttanks how?
You can save the few free ones you get while progressing through the game, or you can get 5 Mist Tanks from purchasing the $20 Starter Pack.
A misttank is an item you get for certain things you do..
And is not to be confused with the one you have visible on the screen in the lower right of your screen.
Is it true that you can get one misttank for each time you reach tier 2 with each gate like the 200 fee you dont have to pay? Cause he might be referring to that, or he was buying the starterpack. Whats the unique artifact anyway>? :P
You get a misttank for getting access to Tier 2. Once. Going through Tier 1 again in a different gate merely allows you to wave the 200 crown fee in the future for that gate, that is all.
No clue about the artifact, but it likely does nothing, other than maybe provide some flavor text.
The artifact that is found at the end of every boss fight contains the story of the game.. Or more precise, what happend to the Alpha Team, that, according to the story, was the first team of knights that ventured into the clockworks.
Well, you get one mist tank for getting to each of the Tiers (one for getting to Haven, which is Tier 1, essentially, then 2 more for getting into Tier 2 and 3) so the person could have been saving those up.
More likely, he bought the new Starter energy set, which gives you 5 mist tanks along with the CE and other goodies.