Welcome to the official recruitment page for Sixx.
Applications are currently: CLOSED
Hey follower!
Hey knight! Are you looking for a guild that has a future? Are you looking for a new life dedicated to the number 6? Are you feeling alone and need a spark to light the emptiness inside of you? Well look no further, because Sixx is right in front of you. At Sixx my commitment to you is to bring freedom. I am committed to bringing my fellow followers of the 6 the best amount of hospitality possible. My goal is to bring balance for all of our members.
Why Sixx was made
One day I looked up at the ceiling before going to sleep. I was counting from 1 to 100 so I could fall asleep. I didn't! So then I went on to Spiral Knights and decided to make a guild because I felt passionate for some reason =6. Then, I remembered 6 is a number of balance and clarity so I began thinking about it. Today, I follow the number! Don't ask why I named it Sixx not Six, you can ask me that once you've joined us. I believe we can be the same - we can be balanced beings. Cyphereau certainly believes he's balanced. And no, this is not related to Nikki.
Who we are at Sixx
Here at Sixx, I envision a group of relaxed, glazed players who don't bend close to their computer screen. We at Sixx want to create a new race of players, a group of talented players who are so great at being the true person inside. Everyone is special. When it comes to using your imagination to create a simple idea, we use imagination to create who we are. So if you were told to do a free write, where you take a pen and write anything about yourself, at Sixx we take the next step and you yourself are the free writing. You show us who you really are.
What happens at Sixx?
At Sixx we believe life is about freedom and experience. We believe your Spiral Knights life should be the same. Why do you want to die spending life in chains by repetitively collecting crowns, so, what, you can look famous? No, here at Sixx we don't care how we look. Sixx cares about how you open up your personality to everyone. Sixx loves people who have different personalities to other people, depending who the person is. We love people who have a creative consciousness. So what exactly do our amazing players do? We could throw non-mexican fiestas and dance offs, we could pull pranks on the triple oh'ers, or we could live Spiral Knights by doing nothing but talking. Sixx believes talking is what's most important to do. Talking and having fun.
Sixx has events
Since we are a new guild I am looking forward to having lots of events hosted by our fantastic players. Of course I will throw an event at times and whatnot, if everyone in Sixx is too busy stexting to others.
Sixx status
We're currently in phase beta, meaning we don't care about our guild halls at the moment and we are extremely chill by doing nothing but being followers of Sixx. However when we acquire enough players and get to know all the McSkrubs in Sixx then we can start running Hell's Kitchen a.k.a. the oblivious guild hall... Just a reminder all Sixx members can ask any guild rank. To become an officer or guild master though you must know the password as well. Yes we have a unique password that can be used to get you any rank higher than veteran by asking. After phase beta ask any of our officers or guild masters the password (If they still remember it), because after phase beta the password will no longer be given out. Sixx hopes to get in as much followers possible. =)
How to become a member of Sixx
Sixx is easy for McSkrubs to get in to. All you do is start by typing out a summary of the best thing you did over the summer. If Sixx likes you then you can get straight to our interview and oath of balance. Also, please enter your in-game-name so I know who I'm helping.
The interview
You will get picked on during the interview, but don't worry, it's perfectly normal. My dear friend will be the judge in charge of interviewing each and every player.
Oath of Balance
The Oath of Balance is a special oath that lets the follower of Sixx promise to never break the Crimson Prism (the rules). If the Prism is broken then the follower will forever be exiled from Sixx.
The Crimson Prism
Notice: during phase beta this does not matter! This scroll is handed out to every Sixx follower after their interview. They must recite the following:
I will not give unfair promotion or demotion to fellow members of Sixx.
I will be a good being.
I will not start toxic drama.
I will not ruin the guild hall.
I will ask or mail Killerhotness or Cyphereau permission before promoting or demoting or kicking anyone.
Notice: during phase beta the Crimson Prism does not matter! After phase beta players must then take the Oath of Balance.
Some things to consider
If you leave Sixx you will only be permitted back one more time. Also, this is a new guild and I really am easy on recruitment but be aware that later it will be difficult to get in. You have as much shots to get in as possible. However, I will go harder on you after you have been declined once.
If you were kicked for no reason mail me at Killerhotness. If you have anymore questions or comments or just wanna talk, mail or PM Killerhotness.
We thank you so much for visiting our homepage. Again, if you are willing to join then just enter a summary below about the best thing you did over the summer. Also, please enter your in-game-name so I know who I'm helping.
You don't need to be apart of Sixx to follow it. You are still following Sixx if you believe in it.
-♋/Cancer is my sign. It is the sign for June, and my birthday also happens to be on June.
-The name Sixx has nothing to do with religion.
-All guild members joining during phase beta are automatically promoted to GM.
-Cyphereau is a wannabe Luguiru... although he claims he is Luguiru.
-We have a sexy guild tag.
-If I sell a Darkfang Shield, half of the energy I earn will be spent into Sixx.
Testimonials :
Cyphereau: I always have wished for a guild made out of BLT sandwiches. I have the right to be the BLT god and this guild is truly what speaks my wishes clearly.
Korthy: This guild makes us sixxy as ----. Literally.
Just a reminder you can also send me PM's or messages if anything goes wrong.