Combat Depth

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Legacy Username

The game is really, really fun but I kind of find I'm button-mashing most of the time.. Sort of feel there should be more variation than between melee and range. Classes, skills, or a combo system could add a lot to the game and change it from a fun Zelda clone to a really awesome game experience.

The block system could also be made more dynamic. Perhaps a time limit to how long you can block at one go could be added or could replace the damage limit that is there at the moment..

Just my two cents worth.

Tomhobb's picture
fun = awesome

"change it from a fun Zelda clone to a really awesome game experience."
If it's fun, why don't you consider that a really awesome game experience?

I enjoy the button mashing personally, and different weapons bring different charged-attacks for some variety there.

A time-limit on blocking could just lead to you toggling it on and off quickly, essentially making it unlimited.

Legacy Username

Try using some bombs. They're my favorite weapon type, partially because they completely change the way you fight. It becomes all about herding groups of enemies into your bomb's blast radius, and button mashing doesn't enter the equation at all.

Sarcusa's picture
Hmm the hardest levels are

Hmm the hardest levels are really fun. The bosses felt really Zelda like with how you had to use the water to extinguish the boss to attack him. There's a little bit of strategy too as you can't just keep button mashing and blocking unless you kill everything really quickly (Fallen set ftw~) but even then the game can still be quite hard. I think all that should be done is put in more weapon types, maybe more weapon slots and more dungeons like Vanaduke.

Legacy Username
I'd really like if teamwork

I'd really like if teamwork played a bigger role. Enough that synergy between players added a new dynamic to the game.

It could be done through new game mechanics or specialization, either permanent or temporary class roles. Maybe that would make the game too similar to a traditional mmo, and that's one of the appeals to this game, but more teamplay and then building combat depth upon that would make the game a lot more fun for me atleast.

Sarcusa's picture
Well currently bombs act as

Well currently bombs act as support weapons. You've got the normal bombs to knockback, crystal bombs for dmg and knockdown, vaporizers for status effects (poison, fire or freeze, freezing is super useful) and the graviton bomb which sucks enemies in to a single spot. Also the boss vanaduke has 1 person distracting the boss and the others killing zombies then at the water orb part, you could have 1 half throw water and the others attack. I guess you'd want something a bit more direct but I'm really not sure how you'd go about that otherthan having different kinds of enemies, bosses or weapons.

Although a problem is most of the time enemies aren't hard enough to need that. (Only times is arena, danger rooms and vanaduke)

Shoebox's picture
I've suggested ideas for this

I've suggested ideas for this before.