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Make Whiskers purchasable with Ancient Pages

13 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Whimsicality
Portrait de Fangel
double caret.


Portrait de Fehzor

I mentioned a link to your thread in Fangel's megathread. You should totally comment on that one.

Portrait de Cheshireccat


Portrait de Dolomitex

I'd be ok with this. Or just remove the whisker requirement altogether from everything but the 5* BKR.

Portrait de Paintool
+1 because I don't have time

+1 because I don't have time to give OOO money

Portrait de Klipik-Forum

If they wanted the event to be like this, they would have done it. As broken as it is it's on purpose and it's not going to change.

Portrait de Melonfish

What about the Shadow Keys?

Portrait de Mbcscp
how about ?

just make the wicked whiskers tradeable

people could then trade or sell on the Auction House

Portrait de Zethalan

It still wouldn't be enough, people would sell them for the same price as they sell the Margrel fight invites which is by now 5-7kce.

Portrait de Klipik-Forum

What about the shadow keys?

Portrait de Melonfish

A controversy among players back when the Shadow Lairs were released developped due to Shadow Keys originally being exclusively obtained via Lockboxes. The backdraft uproared by players convinced OOO to make them obtainable by more direct means. Or so history was told to me anyway.

A similar scenario concerning the new items in this event is currently taking place, yet while the discomfort is evident people are seemingly too lenient to expect it to change. There's a very dire contradiction to draw from it as it is.

Portrait de Fehzor

Yes, that is what happened. I knew people that paid 50 bucks for silver keys and received nothing in return... the backlash was huge, and I thought it was super cool that the developers would cater to them under the circumstances, and change their initial vision away from what it was for the betterment of the game. Sadly, that isn't how things have been going lately. The players don't seem to care and the developers seem to get away with whatever under the guise that "this is an MMO" etcetera.

Portrait de Paintool
We were playing an MMO? I

We were playing an MMO?

I thought people were just giving OOO's money for new content via RNG prizeboxes.