Are we approaching some kind of singularity, I wonder? Will those forums collapse unto themselves and explode with beautiful colors?
Skyrocketing threads are skyrocketing
Sun, 06/05/2011 - 09:24
Legacy Username
Sun, 06/05/2011 - 09:55

At least this has been an
At least this has been an amusing diversion from all the whinging. Thank you, mouton_noir, for your contribution. Perhaps instead of imploding or exploding, the forum will achieve sentience. Then it can read itself, infer what it can about the human species, and... (shudder) Let's hope for beautiful colors!
"Quit it!" Oh, if only it were that simple...
Sun, 06/05/2011 - 09:58
Legacy Username
i agree lol, no matter how good a game is, thers always complaining people in ther haahahaaha
From my own experience I noticed one of forums main purpose is to host players' complains lol..