For some random time not very long, Crazee Pi and Sonosukes debated who was better. It has not been even 2 days since then, and the issue is still not resolved...
Hi everyone I know what your thinking, Hades or Satan? What kind of weird thing is that? Well did you know, that every year, millions of people debate over which superhero is the best. Why can't they argue about which breakfast cereal is thy best? I want to know! (I'm rooting for you fruit-loops!)
Anyway, this thread is about the most important topic of all; who's better, Hades or Satan, in case you already forgot the title. We already know that Hades is going to win this battle. But Crazee Pi, Pluto is much MUCH better then Hades! Quiet you, that dog will never be better then Hades! But, that's not what I- I SAID QUIET!
As I was saying, we already know Hades is better then Satan, but some grumps disagree, so we have to do this.
Hades: 9
Satan: 6
((Note to self, make a 69 joke later))
New write in Candidate section! (None of this actually matters though, so don't bother with this)
Pluto (The Dog): 3
Dog spelled backwards: 1
Robot Devil from Futurama: 1
If we get a tie, I will go over to Screwattack and give them spankings until they make a Hades vs. Satan Death Battle video and that will be the tie-breaker, afterwards, I will fly out the window saying "Hades is love, Hades is life," to here just like Shrek did in that one video. Well, he didn't say anything as he flew out the window but something like that was mentioned there somewhere.
I don't think Screwattack will to that. And Pluto Is best. PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO!