Would anyone be opposed to me making a solid section for battle sprite reskins on their respective pages, instead of having it divided like it currently is? For example, On the Drakon page: I'd put a section for "reskins" and under that section "Gun Pup" and have all related content there, instead of spread out over screenshots and other sections etc.
For event pages, I think it would be a good idea to move that ..."calendar" away from the top, because as time goes on, that calendar (when each event started/ended) is going to push the more desired information ever downward. Example: take a look at the Kataclysmic Confrontation page as it is now, you'll see what I mean.
If nobody has any objections within, say, half a day or so, I'll go ahead and make these changes.
EDIT: Would also love to keep acquisition methods near the top of the page, under description. This seems to vary depending on if the item is bought, unboxed, or made at a machine w/ a recipe. Let's be consistent and keep it near the top.
EDIT: for the sprite reskins, I wouldn't be opposed to just making an individual page for each reskin - there's enough different data (for appearances+acquisition+history/notes) to warrant a single page (vs other reskins like Costume Recolors, which all have the same description and so on, do not get their own pages) in my opinion. Your opinions?
I don't care where the calendar goes, but having it somewhere is important to me. People on the forums really frequently ask stuff like, "When is the next ... going to happen?" And our only recourse is to say, "Look at the wiki page to see when it has happened in the past. That's all we know."