Noone can play anymore and I'm feeling lonely. Go in haven, usually it's packed, now it's only like 10 people there.
Population in the game are downrocketing
maybe it's the, " I want to play with someone, but noone's on so Imma log off too! ".
Well.. Im playing everyday (save for a day every now and then) And I usualy log on around.. uhm.. Now..
It was a bit quiet... I was just on long enough to do a Snarby run, grab a Barb and a shield recipe and there were about fifteen people in all of instance 8...
Because before people were buying CE and doing multiple runs a day now people are logging in using their mist and logging off, oh and yea guaranteed people quit too.
Pretty much what kbe said. I used to burn about 500-1000 ce a day on dives, was building up a large friends list and working on clan dives to farm up mats for our equips...
Now - I log on to each of my accounts, do 1 dive, then log off :\
It actually sucks because I enjoy this game, but spending 90%+ of my dive profits to do another dive just isn't worth it.
2.50 for 750 ce - 750 ce for 45000 cr - it's not fair, and I won't put up with it. Until ce costs under 4k / 100 I simply won't buy it.
I will buy ce from OOO though, since 2.50 for 750 ce is actually a pretty good exchange ^_^
Yup - that's right, OOO is doing it right, keeping it fair. It's the greedy players that think their paid for currency is worth every cent a f2p player grinds out that's ruining it :\
Of course people can still play. I still play, sometimes for several hours every day. That includes hours in the Clockworks, too.
We're you in Haven 14 ? Because that's the place where I find the lowest LOWEST population.
I'm going to use the word "downrocketing" in casual conversations from now on. Thank you for this thread. <3

Haven 14 has barely any crowd and i prefer it there when me and my irl friends hangout
Different Instances: Depending on the Haven your in you can have the small population, or a large one! I've experienced different populations since the Haven # system was instituted, even after the auction house was implemented.
I try to play everyday for at least a while, but between school (I'm there for at least 5 hours, four days of the week, every week) and other aspects of real life I haven't been on to often.
So try changing which haven instance your in, and also remember a good portion of the game is in the Clockworks themselves!
Oh, I finally thought of it. "Plummeting" was the word Leviance as looking for.
Congratulations! This thread is now the top hit on Google for the word downrocketing! OED here we come!
yep its getting quieter every week. I don't really care at this point once better mmo's come out ex: guild wars 2, SW:TOR and other f2p korean games im waiting on. This game is going to be a ghostland pretty soon.

meh... I play other games... SK isn't going to leave my rotation anytime soon even with GW2, Tera, BF3. This doesn't even take into account the console games I'm looking forward to.
Congratulations! This thread is now the top hit on Google for the word downrocketing! OED here we come!
Well that's embarrassing.

After them updates i used to just log on burn mist on JK run then chat or log off, mist hasnt been touched in about 2 weeks + coz i just dont see the point at the moment. same old crap with CE goin higher and higher. constantly Grinding for less and less is meh. rather just let my CE sit untouched and log in once every 2 weeks in the hope somethings changed.
will probably use my mist now just coz i logged on, but itll refill and be unused till i check up on things again in 2 weeks hoping for some new addition to the game, some content, not just something obviously added to jack up CE prices.
good thing about all this is that i got plenty of time to play other games :-) just a shame only way to chat to a few decent people i met is to log on here.
I have to agree with this - today has been the quietest I have ever seen Haven. There are a lot more people logging off in the hope CE will be cheaper when they come back, or waiting for their mist, including me!
Maybe it's just the mist energy renaissance?