A group ordered to keep the stories, the legends. They have stood for eons, guarding the legacy of the knights...the Spiral Collective!
Now that my dramatic intro is over, here's the explanation:
I have considered doing this for some time. This is a thread for short stories ( around 4 paragraphs) by anyone who wants to include theirs. I will post my own as I write them. Preferably, they will work together, though not directly related, to provide a good picture of life on Cradle. If you want a story here, please send it to sawherosk@gmail.com. ,o offense to anyone, I just want some control over what gets posted here. Feedback is welcome, whether on the thread or be email. ,now let's get started!
Teris' armor grated against the wall as she slid down it until she was sitting. She wrapped her arms around her legs as her eyes welled with tears. Around the corner, the fire that had claimed the rest of her squad still raged.
Her mind kept replaying what had happened. The gremlin ambush had been timed perfectly. Roga, the squad leader, had fallen, stunned by a Thwacker's throw. They had circled her with their shields up, offering protection as she recovered. That was when the Scorchers arrived.
In seconds, their shields were depleted and they were retreating quickly. Roga stepped forward to fire, but was engulfed in flames. She managed to get the shot off, but it struck the Scorcher's fuel tank, causing a massive explosion. Teris was thrown back through the doorway by the shockwave. The others were not so fortunate.
Now she could hear another group of gremlins coming. The tears stopped as her eyes hardened. She stood, drawing her Polaris. As she spun around the corner, she saw five gremlins staring at her in shock. She fired and reloaded with near-mechanical efficeincy as she blasted them out of existence. She squared her shoulders as she turned and walked away. From now on, there would be no mercy, no regret. The gremlins would have to pay.