Hello everyone, I would like to present to you my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaskForceBetaWilliam where we make videos about games including spiral knights. I would be great if you can check it out and maybe subscribe to my channel for more videos. Thank you for your time ^-^.
Youtube Channel
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 16:20
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 20:14

Oh don't hate the jelly king, that's my favorite run... A few crucial pointers to improve your play-
I'll type more if I think of them, and thanks for covering Spiral Knights.
Mon, 09/22/2014 - 01:36

Fehzor, could be a highly experienced player playing on alt account, BUT we'll never know
Mon, 09/22/2014 - 17:57

He could be but it seems very unlikely, given how he was using the mouse to move, stuck w/ cobalt gear and had to be partially carried through the jelly kingdom.
Thu, 09/25/2014 - 09:09
Thanks for the tips everyone.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I've started practicing with keyboard controls, and it really does feel better.
@Mystrian I'm not an alt of a pro, but I have been playing for maybe over a year. I just had taken a long break from SK after finishing my 3* missions.
I see you play using the mouse yet you seem to favor using the blaster more.
I have found that using the keyboard controls makes gunning much easier, you can walk away from the enemy and still shoot at it. When using the mouse you have to walk away from an enemy then turn around to shoot at them. There are several enemies that move so quick they don't give you enough time to turn and shoot (without getting hit).
It is also good to bring along a veteran player (just don't beg for revives), this way you can see what sort of items that you can possibly get, and more importantly learn how they fight (when they attack and when they dodge).
If you want you can send me a friend request and if I'm online and you need some help I'll come (provided I'm not terribly busy with a prior engagement).