I'm trying to make my way as a crafter, creating items and selling them, however, I'm being severally undercut in the AH...
With CE costs up to 6k for 100CE, that means that the CE cost of crafting a 2 star item is 3000 crowns... That's not including the 400 crowns for crafting, mats and a mark up so I actually make a profit. Yet I check the market place and people are selling 2 star items for 2500 crowns. How is that even possible without putting yourself at least 1k crowns in the hole with each item you sell?
It makes no sense. I can't craft items and sell them, because my prices (Which should be the norm) are considered too expensive. What's going on here?
Curious how you're selling crafted items?
I know at least from experience that I picked up a cyrotech not too long ago and just sold it for about 2300cr. No loss on my end.