from this saturday(yesterday)to next saturday, this whole week i will host an event. the event is simple, whoever can find Dimension will be awarded a free random 2* gear. this event will last for the whole week, and the person who will find Dimension on the last day of the event will recieve:
1. a free 2* gear random complete set
2. 100 energy
3. 2000 crowns
1. people who are friends of Dimension will not be allowed to click join or be allowed to find out where i am, for that would be cheating and they will be immediatly be disqualified from the event.
2. people cannot obtain more than one 2* gear prize.
3. anyone who participated and won will be announced on the end of the weekend on sunday.
remember: the 2* gear i give away will be random, so don't expect me to give you what you want.