I have an interesting question: Why is the Spiral Order's symbol a horse, if there are no actual horses in the game?
Spiral Insignia
I put "tech knights spiral knights" into Google, and all I got was some stuff about troubleshooting. Anyway, here's some more questions:
Why does it never rain in the clockworks? It snows, but it never rains.
Why didn't the Skylark have any auxiliary ships?
Maybe you read my post before I edited it. Try searching for the string as I've written it now, including the quotation marks on "tech knights". Or just read the thread that I linked.
As I tell you this, I'm assuming that you're actually interested in discussing the question that you posed. That may be a mistake.
ir rains in some wolver dens
the skylark (as I know) was a last ditch attempt to save isora, and I dont really see a point in other ships
Trojan horse? This games dev names are inspired by Greek myth, arent they?
definitely something greek, lots of things are based of it
(also the bomb ash of agni alludes to a fire god (not greek, I think Dravidian))
chess would make a lot of sense because we walk on squares, there are knight/pawn/queen/and room gates in the arcade.
There is a spiral in the horse's jaw. And there are many spirals hidden throughout the artwork.
More to the point, you might want to do a Google search for something like "tech knights" site:spiralknights.com. The name of the game was set fairly late in development, as far as I understand. For example, read this.