This game without a ranking where to measure our potential I believe that it loses very much.
Perhaps do not they have thought to put one?, I believe that it would be a great contribution to the game.
This game without a ranking where to measure our potential I believe that it loses very much.
Perhaps do not they have thought to put one?, I believe that it would be a great contribution to the game.
Hmm. It may sound strange, but I'd actually be against this personally. To me, SK is a more casual game, and ranking systems only really serve to inflate the e-peen of the insane hardcore players who waste uncountable hours into a game, whilst simultaneously making the casual players feel relatively poor whenever they notice their mediocre place on the global ranking system.
That's just my 2 cents, though.
My question is, given the noncompetitive and scoreless nature of the game, what would you even base a ranking on? PvP rankings could be interesting once PvP is in, but otherwise there just doesn't seem to be anything to rank.
Sounds like a neat ~suggestion~.