- I know that a thread or two over this topic likely existed in the past, but even if it did; it's always nice to discuss about how we all became the Spiral Knight we are today:
- From emerging from our escape pods, to taking refugee at the Rescue Camp after regrouping with the Red Recon Knight, Rhendon, and then making our way to Haven, where we met the engimatic Strangers, other fellow Spiral Knights, and of course, the curiosity that are Snipes.
A lot has changed since our first time on Cradle, but I'd love to know more about how each and every one of us found out about the mysterious planet, and what we did to discover it.
Everyone is free to discuss and relate how they came across this game, even Game Masters, veteran players, beta players, and anyone else, can join in and share with us your story of how it came to be!
I'll gladly post my discovery of this game later on, but for now, I'd best head off to rest for now.
P.S. I alluded to something on here that exists in-game, and that we should all have earned to prove that we really did take our "first steps" on Cradle.
I was searching steam games for mac that were free, and this came up.
Instant fav. Also, the people here have awesome taste in music