so my problem is i play SK few days and when i ranked from i think 7-2 to 7-3 (OR WAS IT AFTER LAST UPDATE)
that menu buttons on bottom of screen IN ANY MISSION/TIER when im in um well the are where you fight monsters and not that area where you are in waiting room lobby idk how to call it the place where you prepare your self and than use elevator to go down
ow this area where you are placed when you start mission over there everything is ok than when i use elevator to go to battle field or join any party which is in battle field than this happen to buttons on the bottom of screen
all buttons are grey and i just cant click them
when hovering cursor over them i still have battle cursor and not regular mouse cursor
but for example i can click P to bring up my profile but i cant click that button to do so
even so i found another problem when im in my profile and i want to feed pet
after i select something to feed my pet or battle sprite as you prefer
than if i press anywhere else on the window than FEED button than forge window pop up lol ?
so my questions are
does any 1 else have same thing with buttons which they cant CLICK ? (only in battle field) in tows shops any place else wroks just fine
is it a bug or its blocked on purpose after some rank i earned?
and does any 1 other have same bug in feeding window where pressing anywhere else than feed button result in oppening forge window?
about forge window i can click materials and click anywhere on my arsenal without problem but in pet window if i press anywhere else than feed i get that forge window (i mean on window part that do nothing other buttons like skills or perks works fine)
Up near the map (top right) you will notice a button that looks like a lock, click it to unlock all you buttons.
You may ask why this is good... well when you are in the thick of battle with Slags breathing down your neck you don't want to accidentally open your inventory or something of that sort in battle.