Similar to weapon/armor info. I'd like a template for Battle Sprites - but I am not very good at coding.
What I think it could look like. A basic idea. The text on the right of the template is just notes about each row in the template, and obviously doesn't really go on the page ;P
Pages for sprites look a little weird at the top, IMO. Not like the rest of the wiki and a little empty.
This template should aid users with "at a glance," very readily understandable information regarding (new) reskins - yes, the same harness as the original people! Black Kat can't use shadow just cause it totally looks like it can! etc, as well as make the page look tight, compact, neat, etc.
Template Style:
I use bulbapedia a lot (no I don't edit it) - I like the bulk, crammed information on the pokemon pages, -like Bulbasaur's.. Battle Sprites have pretty special mechanics, and lots of things to pay attention to, so I figure the InfoTemplate for them could be larger like this. Also they're a bit like pokemon, heh.
I think that "totals" would be better for the sprite food (instead of levels). We'll have to check each others' maths to be very very sure.
Since sprites have a star-level range due to their weird "alchemy path" I just took the star level out of the top part there where it says the sprite name.
If you like, please halp me code. And by halp I mean do it :( (*sob*)
EDIT: add more notes and info on ultimates to page preview in your head. Sorry bout not having the entire page in the image. And I don't wanna make another one.
Thinking about adding "Mineral Minimum to reach 100" info to the Feeding section below cats. It will have an icon for the color of mineral, a link to the mineral page, and of course the number. Note about how it takes more to get all the perks after 100?
Don't want too much overlap with the main battle sprite page, but also want to be useful. Hmmm.
Oh I see you working on that! It looks awesome!
I'd stick "or" between the two smaller images in the "Abilities" section for each of the 3. EDIT: did that, like a dork. Not a boss. Like a boss? No. Like a dork.
Okay, I want to add an "economics" section. "Mineral Minimum to reach 100" and "mineral minimum to get all perks" and have a picture of the mineral (crimsonite for drakon, etc. in front of ( or on top of) the numbers.
I did it. Because I copy/pasted your awesome work and just changed a few variables. heeee :3