A powerful, friendly, growing all girls guild.
The first ever girl's guild on SK has finally arrived and knocking guilds out left and right in Guild verses Guilds! This is such an achievement well done, Thanks to our wonderful leader, Sweetsu. We're looking forward to receiving more girl's who are into PvE , PvP, and or both! ❤ But since you're here, I bet you noticed it already And make sure to watch the amazing scores we pulled in our first week ( http://youtu.be/c_6zlzVTRJw ). So you know In a game like this which is so male driven, us females barely Get noticed. Therefore.. Hey? why not make an all girls guild and let us show these guys what we're all about. Our guilds steam page is PowerPuff LDgirls. And our current fanboy page (LDgirls Fanboys) was made by our sweetest guy, Krakob ❤ Thanks for the love. Also we love fluffeh girls <3 Other than that we are just a big family <3 Come to us we will give you cookies and milk c:
Fighting males, trying to save the world Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff LDgirls! Fighting males, trying to save the world Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff LDgirls!
Mewzin , Sweetsu , Therealest ~ Guild Masters
Deliciousness, Itskino, Nevov, Nicky-Xp, Riinsei ~ Officers
Alpha-Tyranno, Dat-Pretty-Girl, Elle-Mavis ~ Veterans
Catakiller, Crestella, Dr-Jeckyll, Hyaku-Sekai, Hyper-Chan, Jamiestess, Ladylouise, Lunarias, Lusiferangel, Nhya, Oo-Omega-Oo, Rezena , Shsunsta, Silhouette-Siren, Vannessah, Vicious-Dreamz ~ Members
Bary-Girl, Dragogirl, Harassh, Icey-Wing, Jane-Theshy-Girl, Joyce-Kw, Kitty-Cat-Kc, KittyQuack, Miss-Moo-Moo, Redfire-Princess, Scrayf, Shanztastic, Sky-Bird ~ Recruits
For more information, comment in forum, or message us Ingame .
Fill out the simple application below. Will be read immediately whether you're application is denied or approved.
1: Ingame Name?
2: Why you want to Join LDgirls?
3: How would you really know we're all girls :o?
4: How do we know YOU are a girl :o?
5: Have you ever watched powerpuff girls ^o^?
6: Your ( Age ): ( Optional )
7: Do you know anyone in our fabulous Guild?
8: How often do you play SK?
9: Would you annoy sweetsu on purpose (♡˙︶˙♡) ?
Pwease join them 'cause I want more guild versus guild matches :B