Knights of Chaos

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Legacy Username

So far knights of chaos has been gathering alot of people inot the guild so far. We have about 35members and we are asking you guys to join us in our guild now. We will test your skills through tasks. We have meetings almost everyday if people are able to attend and we have big partys at the guild hall on friday,satyrday,and sunday. Most of the time we adventure together going almost anywere and giving eachother money to buy cool armors and stuff. Our guild leader is halok. He is a great guildleader and listens to people ideas and does what he can to help out a guild member in need of energy and money. We can also promote people who we feel have proved them selfs in our tasks or have proven them selfs in how they act or in combat. Our guild is a nice guild. We try to keep the guild as nice as possible. We will promote the people to officers as elite classed knights and the lowclass are people with noob weapons or still lack in combat,can not complete tasks right. They will be ethier member,recruit,or veteran they will not be officer unless they prove to the knights that are officers that they are ready to be an officer how ever we still need more people. Im ultimategameman if you guys feel like joining the guild please email me or our officers. Our officers are me,dreadedshadow,or limitbreaker,or the guild leader halok if you guys feel like joining the guild plz mail us on spiral knights and we will accept you in.

Barcode-Killer's picture
bored reaperscythe lurking

game name: Reaperscythe
tier 2 player
lazy to send mail through SK so imma just post my joinage request here :|

Legacy Username
may i join ? i have good equipment. and good skills

Please Let me join your guild i would like to help as much as possible with the guild and collect enough crown to get better and get stronger if you would let me join i would do my best to become great i might even spare some crowns to people in need. I dont know how to add people to a guild but if you need my name its Freetrade (Exactly like that as shown). Thank you for reading it a simple yes or no will do just fine thank you. I hope to see you in the future in the guild hall.