The Maple Story Business Scheme

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Legacy Username

I've thought about the energy system. Amongst the bad sides to this, is how free players will only be able to play for about 1 hour/day or even less if using the alchemy system.

This has been discussed to great lengths, and I will not go into it much here. So I would advice to go to another thread if you want to read up on the pros and cons this system has.

My suggestion:
Do as Maple Story and make customization of character a thing to put money into. Make pets and sunglasses and all the rest. This includes those shout out things, where a player may address the entire community through a scroll or something like that. You could also add player houses and other non-ingame related skins to buy. I think you get the idea.

This could take the pressure off the myst system and maybe even remove the cost of elevators all together if enough people play the game.

If this has been suggested before or is implemented, I advice the mods to remove this thread.

Legacy Username
Oh God no. I started playing

Oh God no.

I started playing this because it WASN'T MapleStory. This game has a lot of potential to be one of the best free to plays out there. The Mist Energy system just needs a little bit of tweaking. I do like that it limits how long you can play, and that it makes you choose wisely on what you want to do each day (alchemy one day, a few levels the next), but overall it seems that it runs out a bit too fast.

I played nothing but levels yesterday and played for about two hours. I would have much rather liked to play 3, 4, or even 5 hours.