Gear Lists

I like the negative numbers idea. I think that is a good call.
Consistency of symbols makes for easy learning. Apply a few simple concepts in your design and the reader can quickly understand something new. Ergo:
I avoided colored text. All of the icons have different color palettes and a lot are in dark tones. No one color would work on all, but white should work on everything except Freeze (even the special buff/debuff icons like ASI/CTR/MSI work with white). We could do Freeze in black or use white text with a black outline.
All of the circular status effect icons have that red-purple ring around them. That's what made me think of the red ring on debuff icons. More consistency.
Is there a better idea? Maybe! I'm just defending this one because I think it could work. :)
Making the icons is a non-issue. I can crank them out in an hour.
What would we need?
Normal 1-10, Ele 1-9, Pierce 1-9, Shad 1-9
The seven status flavors -4 to +4
Six monster types -3 to +3
Eight trinket icons 1-3
Cartoony Sword/Bomb/Gun 1-3
Negative Hourglass -1
Positive Hourglass 1-8
Running Man -1 +1
Heart 1-10
Did I forget anything?
Shield status should use a blank type icon since the bar is a binary full or empty.
Should we do a Normal 10 icon for Volc Plate/Ancient Plate since we know they have a normal bar that goes beyond the visible?
A column opinion:
I don't think we need two bonus columns. I think the Ancient Plate two-debuffs-one-cell looks fine. And odd bonuses are so uncommon--just a handful, really--we might be better off with two icons. Or text?

GO. TO. SLEEP. >_>
Or study. Whichever. Dealer's choice.

going to be using pet perks. Found "strikeup" and "strikedown" icons in the game files for +/- attack speed.
Feel free to generate a "perk" for sleep, just use the wikiimage tag instead.
We need two ability columns so people can sort for one or the other (massive feedback on that). Since ancient is the only thing that has two penalties, we don't need two penalty columns.
Text makes things wide, I don't want to use it unless we have to. People can take a splite second to do the mouseover if the visual scaling cues aren't enough.
Since I have the files, I'll just reupload them with the pinkie-debuff ring.

I decided to do something a bit odd, but I think...that it's really...really functional.
Even if you guys don't like it, it was loads of fun to make. No sarcasm. I am still messing around with it, so no feedback about how the text smooshes into itself, that's gonna be fixed as I go along. Feedback on the general idea please:
Show/hide stats: opinions? Even made the background color feel familiar :3 (armorinfo)
EDIT: got some feedback from flowchart and others! Thanks!
EDIT: text should no longer be smooshy with itself in the name column, as long as people use standard font size for their browsers, anyway.
EDIT: thought - now that we have stats images to compare, I'm going to make a version of the table with 4 defense columns and non-scaled icons.
EDIT: added more flexibility to the ListX templates (status, defense) and added a no-scaling icon option for the new table. Have it so that the icons are the same size, but as long as editors put in the relevant number value after the defense type, it should still sort highest to lowest with a single click - so the icons are all the same size, like several ppl suggested, but the list sorting takes care of some derpyness all on its own.
It does have a few hiccups. Example: divine mantle and dread skelly both sort to the top, but alphabetically. Dread skelly has slightly more shadow than divine, but divine is at the top because alphabet took priority. A fix would be to use more decimals, and that's not very fun...but I can see this sorting as being a source of confusion. An easy fix, but a tedious one. I can get to that later, or someone can suggest a better method :)
EDIT: decimal thing is working. Basically, each pixel = 1. Don't forget to put 03 for 3 pixels, and 13 for 13 pixels, cause the sortlist is sensitive like that. Max is 15 pixels for standard bar, since a full bar is just the next whole number, X.00, and each bar has a width of 16 pixels. Tedious, but actually very easy once we do it...for...all...the...items...
..........................................................................................but pretty good for sorting? heh. As I said before, let's hope they don't change them pixel dimensions. Even if this does happen, the coding should still work with only changes to the plug-n-chug on the page.
I have the coding for the old table, no worries (as does the wiki) so let's see how we feel about the new one. Mouseovers are still relevant, but the new table doesn't depend on them nearly as much. :D
A relevant amusing comic for those who know that I'm a huge fan of show/hide coding.

The show/hide thing is pretty snazzy. I'm not opposed to having it there, but I don't think that it adds much to the information already displayed.

Added it because ppl wanted <3
And yes, it is snazzy isn't it >:3
And note:
counting pixels ain't all as bad as I thought it might be. Most of them fall into 5 pixels or 13 pixels for 5* defenses.

excellent shading and texture, just make it more like a "z" - that looks a lil bit too much like shock IMO.

Guess you know which perk I patterned off of :P

I made some test images for #2--status and defense types

The icon we had for Buff_attack_icon was 32x32 pixels. I had to redraw it in full size to do the icon tests.
Do we have larger icons available to us in the game files or somewhere?

Don't think we're going to use numbers on the icons, that adds clutter (and potentially confusion if people try to calculate damage numerically). Now that the stat images can be easily seen, we have same-size icons, and we'll just use the ones that exist/have been uploaded already. I guess if more ppl want #icons (I've heard one other non-forum opinion in favor), I'll cast my vote in with it centered on the shield, but outlined in black (especially for piercing) so they can be seen more readily. But in general I don't like the numbers, for the reasons stated above (also, finally got the table to autosort the highest values to the top. Ugh - an easy task, but silly if one mistake is made somewhere) - it's also a bit misleading when it comes to the skelly issue in particular (mentioned above ;P). I suppose as long as we mention that said numbers are just indicators of general power in relation to each other, and nothing more...
As far as bigger icons for buffs? Not that I've found no :(
Just got back from a very long laboratory :(
Good sleep icon! Upload it noooooooooooooooooooooooow. With the {{wiki image}} tag.
EDIT: I'll put that tag on for you.

Are you saying that you don't want to use numerals (e.g. 4 or -2) on status resistances? What do you want instead? Icon scaling? I certainly prefer the numerals, for both aesthetics and utility.

Too many people don't like the numerals/numbers, for the various reasons stated above, and I'm personally very against it due to clutter reasons and not being able to shape/color code for colorblind people in a large table (distinguish with more text? =more clutter). Then, too many people didn't like icon scaling, simply cause it "looks bad." Besides, we'd have to keep using numbers for everything to stay consistent, and when it comes to defenses and offenses, things get confusing pretty fast, especially for new players. Things work very differently for the different bar types, as we all know here - but not everyone in the game knows that.
(note on this bit - yeah, got colorblind feedback in-game. Totally forgot about that! SK's an amazing game if the colorblind can enjoy it, isn't it? It's not ALL about aesthetics in here, just...a lot. Heh. And not just color/color shades. Shapes. hurray geometry!?)
I've uploaded this test - the segments make the table a little dirty IMO (my test edits in the listdefense template were part of looking at this), but the difference is noticeable. I'd prefer to use the single, clean line (far right icon):
Compare Potential Icons. Obviously just get a feel for the idea - details can be tweaked later if people like this. This is for a shadow defense of 5.05 - 5 segments+5pixels into the next segment, though the circle segments don't take the pixels accurately, more like a % of the total space within the potential segment. Yes, each of these three icons are representative of +shadow 5.05. Which do people think is best? Another reason I like the far right is because it's so general - that pixel counting doesn't matter so much for it, when it does for segments, and circle segments try to count on a tangent and see how well you hold your breakfast.
For status, it's a lot easier - 4 segments of a circle? 4 corners? max weak or resist? done. 3 corners for 3, 2 for 2, 1 for 1. Same filled-in-outline style.
I'll have to rearrange segments in the circle if we do this, since (AGAIN) I forgot that you don't count that silly first segment. Easy fix.
Honestly this stuff is really small and a little hard to see, noticeable, but, don't like squinting... in an 800px limit table...*flips table* (haha)
Or, we have the stat images in the snazzy showhide, right? Just encourage people to actually LOOK at them - there comes a point where people have to figure out 2+2 you know? Step one: take a breath. Step 2: take another breath. Step 3 - don't stand on top of fire. Step four: read the wiki about damage, defenses, abilities, and so on. As long as editors put in the right values, the "toughest" armor should sort descending (toughest at top, alphabetically if tied). And anyway, we've mentioned that these tiny defense differences don't make a huge, huge difference when being slammed into a corner by a trojan followed by cuddly greavers and so on. This level of detail is for hardcore vets, and they already know their stuff when it comes to the pixels. For easy scanning of details, mouseover for tooltips. For those final few pixels (skelly vs. divine) - just look at the stats image and believe it makes a difference in the face of lag. If sorted by the user, they're close enough next to each other to efficiently analyze the differences (IMO).
TL;DR: the icons for the table should be a standard size (scaling voted out), and just indicate if an item even has a thing: "Oh, valky has shadow, dragon scale does not, etc. - but to what extent?" Reply: "More details can be ascertained by looking at the stats image, with even more details about depth damage and so on in individual pages." New players have to learn everything, and they can certainly learn to look at stat images. Happily, the table automatically sorts more powerful things to the top with a single click, unless it's an ability column, I have that to just sort into groups, and that can easily be changed. Summary of suggestions/debate so far: all these minute icon details are a lot of effort to either: confuse new players and/or tell veteran players what they already know, and for a bit too much work for my taste (and I work a lot ;P)
Most of what I hear is: "All I want to know is...what's got shadow, what's got fire, I'll make those then!" and so on. Hence the simplicity of my original table design (which of course was not as great as this idea-collaborated one, just mentioning it for comparison for use in the "what to do about table" logic).

I like idea behind the proposed shadow icons. I especially like the segmented one the best.
But unless the icons are about 50% larger I don't think that detail will be visible to anyone.
I similarly like the 4 corners status icons idea.
I similarly think it is impractical and not terribly helpful.
Honestly I think the current table is as good as it's going to get. It sorts perfectly, you can show/hide the stat window for the exact stats (still love that!), you can tooltip for quick checks of something's stat, and the format is easily understood.
Unless there's a technical issue to iron out I say make it live.
Note on current icons:
I dislike the universal CTR icon (yellow bomb) you have. I vote for a green or yellow hourglass in the blue circle so as to be consistent with ASI/ASD. I can make it if you want.
Also, when I was making icons I had to create a 128px version of the red sword icon. I'd upload it but the wiki says you can't update files atm. What should I do with it?
Also also, I can redraw the MSI/MSD icons like I did with the sword icon. Would that be useful? How would I upload them?

Arca has volunteered to make some pretty spiffy icons, so I'm going to wait until they're done with that. We'll see what he has for us in a while...
I used bomb for universal CTR cause CTR looks yellow and swords are used for universal attark even though we also have guns and bombs, soooo yeah, bombs are pretty um...chargey. That's why I picked that. I wouldn't use the AS symbol for a CTR - especially since the bombs have that same symbol (even if color is different) for raw detonation speed. AND yellow is already used officially. We don't want to confuse AS with CT. If the bomb isn't good, maybe try like, 4 arrows going into each other? something that stands out.
EDIT: something silly like this. The arrows...focusing...IIIIIIINWAAAAAARDS!!!! HNNNNG! Chaaaaarging!
Then we wait for the devs to make an official CT buff/debuff icon and just use that.

I like it! The symbology makes sense and I think it is an intuitive icon.

Oh really haha...well, I'll put some more time into making it a lil more...artistic later. Right now it's just four arrows slapped onto a circle. Glad the idea is good! Have a go at it if you feel like it too.

So, Icytea kindly did a switch for me in the armorlist template.
What it does:
abilities = no
>>>> nothing
abilities = yes
>>>> shows ability image below stats in a show/hide. Hurray!
Why in another show/hide? Feedback says: people like comparing the stats images side-by-side, and larger ability images would get in the way. But now people can compare abilities more easily too, or not, if they don't care about that.
(I'd rather not have it at all - but a few people suggested it, so yeah).
EDIT: yeah not gonna go with it, that info is in the columns already (unlike the stat bars, this information is really repetitive).

Rather than listing the abilities under the armor's name (IE: Ancient Plate Armor Abilities) it would be easier and much more productive to have the template access specific images under the abilities. This makes it much easier to do universally and requires a lot less work aside from adding it into the pages.
For example:
Modify to the template to read up through a switch on which images to add. Let's say I wanted to modify the Black Kat Cowl page. Rather than taking the extra work to just upload a new picture I could just access pictures such as:
*HP4 (Would show the image "Health Bonus: +4")
*MSI1(Would show the image "Movement Speed Increased: Low")
*UDMG3(Would show the image "Damage Bonus: High")
This makes it a bit easier to handle and can be used for future uploads. Would probably suggest these tags:
HPI[1] = Health Pips Increased
MFI[2][1] = Monster Family Increased (2 being the first letter of the family)
MFD[2][1] = Monster Family Decreased
[2]DMG[1] = Damage Bonus Increased (2 being weapon type)
[2]CTR[1] = Charge Time Reduction
MSI[1] = Movement Speed Increased
MSD[1] = Movement Speed Decreased
This would take less time than uploading individual images for every single piece of armor in the game. To compare, you'd have to only upload theoretically 56 Images minimum where-as you'd have to individually upload a stat image for 168 Pieces of armor in the game.
But that's just me.

Well, I thought about that, but then I thought - what if they all just change? Probably won't happen. But still, it's best to follow the format of the rest of the wiki:
Each individual thing will get its own stat image, even if they are clones. This is the case with accessory icons, and well, everything. It's a hassle but it's the better way to do it in the face of change...
I thought about tweaking the acc templates to be better, using clones of each other (a single icon for all the polar helm tops etc), but then I thought, ew, what if all the acc get their own icons just like the armor/helm/swords etc. did? Ick. See what I mean? In the meantime we're stuck without a bunch of recolored icons, so to keep things clean I just replaced ALL of them with the acc arsenal icon, which nobody seems to have noticed - and it's a good thing nobody noticed ;P, that was the point :D
EDIT: icytea's been going through making icons, hurray. The #ifexist condition is very nice. Brought up a good point: users/guilds etc. like to use individual icons, so having shortcuts (vs. each item having its own individual image) could break quite a few things.
I had a bit of lazyness with this regarding all the torto shields (all of them are MSD low penalty), but then I thought better of it. You can see this in the rapid edits and uploads regarding these shields.
We think alike on this, but, I don't mind doing the extra work to avoid potential icks in the future. And I'm doing the work, so hey! No worries.
Other fixes include: "Acquisition" instead of "Vendors," "Notes" instead of "Trivia," and other things nobody cares about :D
In the end, the only work for future editors should be adding images to pages, and consistently, through the template.

*grumble* they gave several of the new gunner items THREE positive abilities. What's next? FOUR!!?
Fixing after this prestige.
We'll just have to deal with some line breaks with these ridiculous names, hey, they happen in-game too.

Not to be rude, but it's kind of funny that they did that right after all of your careful two-ability planning.
It reminds me of how Lancer Knightz and I measured all of the mission payouts, just before Three Rings introduced difficulty levels.

At least all I have to do is copy/paste and break some lines, which would have broken anyway with these super long item names. Raw data value changes are much worse to deal with.

Dont remind me of how they changed the rarity drop rates right when my averages were starting to weed out the standard error.
All the new armors all have chaos equivalent defense. If we consider the defense values to be an "ability", it kinda balances out... Kinda.

"Base" → "Class" → "Special" → "Plate" → "Heavy Plate"
Abilities are both offensive and defensive compared to a default. When you say "THREE positive abilities", you mean "three positive abilities that are not already explained in status/damage resistances that are placed in the abilities toolbar".

When I say "THREE positive abilites" - them's blue tooltip arrows. The thingies in the tooltips that are blue/red up/down arrows, respectively. Them be abils. Ignoring HP as an ability unless it is an exception, since most items follow the same pattern.
I get what you mean with the defense abils, but I don't think incorporating that into this template would be smart. It's not even properly displayed in-game, *cough ancient cough* so the effort would be a bit hopeless and more confusing in the end.

Well, the length of the names we have to deal with now is ridiculous. I'm going to make the sortable defenses/status/abil columns into cute adorable aesthetically pleasing squares. I'm going to make the icons a little bigger. I'm going to let the name column adjust to whatever the heck screen width users have, which means line breaks for ittybitty screens but a nice looking table for most screens. In short: if you want to browse this on your phone, fine, but you're gonna have to horizontal scroll and the 800px thing is giving me a right headache.
Should look like this for big big screens but with bigger icons soon, and less whitespace in JUST the name column for smaller screens.
General improvement:
changed the plug-n-chug format to pure numbers instead of text. This reduces editor headache as well as invisible data that clogs up page loading time, which is a tad long due to the large number of items in the list. All I needed to do was separate the switches for each defense/status type, instead of having them all in one switch.

Massive Improvements to table here.
Yes, I have to get the icons all the same size, and decide if we want to use perks or rounds for defenses... ignore that. Yes, there is no ToC atm, I have it out so I can concentrate. Ignore that.
Made the sortable buttons way easier to click - I dislike those things cause they're very difficult to work with, place where you want, etc, but I love them for what they do. Now they have plenty of space and you won't accidentally take yourself to a status page. At least, you're less likely too.
As always, feedback is appreciated!

It's an impressive table, that conveys a lot of information really efficiently. Yes, the first column gets ugly when my window is less than about 1100 pixels wide. I don't know the solution, especially for the monstrously long new armor names. Abbreviations?

I kind of just want to do a disclaimer, like so:
The wiki is best viewed with standard font size on a monitor at least BLAH pixels wide and tall. Several features such as tooltip previews, active APNG files, and various other goodies might not be available for all browsers or machines. If you cannot view THIS IMAGE (screenshot of ideal conditions = locked in image, an excellent way to let people know what to expect), then adjust your settings or contact editors on the wiki forums.
But people should just know these sorts of things...and I don't like disclaimer(s) everywhere, that's like having someone constantly telling me how to breathe.
I wouldn't want to do abbreviations, as those are very confusing for new players, and this table is for both new, middle, and old fart players equally. And we'd spend an eternity deciding how to abbreviate everything consistently.

I feel like the list is close to being able to be published.
I just have to add in slots for the new handgun-only abils.
Please check over my data. I've gone over it a few times and found an issue with heavy demo, but I could have missed things. :)
Should I put a note at the top of the armor page asking for feedback? like this:
"Hello fellow knights! This page changed this page quite a lot all of a sudden! Wiki Editors made the change - we are voluntary contributors to this wiki, and are players just like you. We would like to hear feedback about this change on LINK TO THIS FORUM THREAD. Do you like it? Do you despise it? Are there bugs? We want to know."
Opinions on the StarToC? Should I put it between each section for easy jumping/comparing navigation? Ignore the aesthetics, just focus on the concept. Changing its colors to look more like sk-wiki is easy.
I had a few minutes and needed a break. So here's a thought for the table:
Regarding new armor/helms: as far as I can tell, these grant only a damage bonus to handguns, not uniform (all offenses) like other abilities do with, say, salamander stuff. So, I propose this sort of icon:
+Handgun Dmg vs. Construct, +Handgun Dmg vs. Gremlin, and so on. Please zoom out in your browser to view them "small size" to get an idea of how that will look in the table. If people like this idea, I'll put more effort into making the icons prettier/better quality etc. after finals (or if you like, you can do it, just name them consistently for wiki uploads).
It's best to keep the icons as close to in-game usage and meaning as possible...hence these designs. A simple combination of existing symbols, with a blue ring indicating a positive effect, usually a buff (pink rings indicate negative - debuff usually). Could easily add an "up arrow" to be more consistent with the game, but also redundant regarding the table.
Another option is to use the simplistic arsenal handgun symbol, like the tooltips do in-game, but then we have less color-association with the perks - notice I'm using the handgun dmg perk, not the other handgun perks, for these icons.
Another option is to directly combine perks, which I will be going with. If there are enough objections/votes for better/other images, simply reupload your new files and wait 500 years for the wiki to update with the new files :) (or change the registered files in the template and upload them to those names).
looking at these icons...hmm. Should the monster symbol be the bigger one, since the handgun symbol is less informative simply because it is the most consistent? *ponders*

EDIT: nevermind. Figured out how to do a span organizer so it doesn't call through so many {{ }}.
Running into a size problem. A suggestion:
Armor/Sandbox - basically, we split the star toc sections into their own pages.

As you can tell, I haven't been keeping up with each iteration of this project. But I checked out the page in post #88 and the links were all red. The idea is to have a page for each star-level? That's fine with me.

Ah yes, they are red because they are just example "links" of what we could have there.
I feel like this would be needed in general, especially if we keep getting buckets of items like this.
Appreciate the feedback!
EDIT: made the links real. How does the page feel? I'm thinking we go live with it with the notice I made in a previous comment (87), and see how more people feel. Before we do that, though, I need to finish icons and make (better) template documentation.

I'm looking at the table and I'm wondering: why do we have three up arrow columns for abilities?

Because items can have up to three positive abilities, and Dracora has placed them into one column each.
The alternative (which he has tried?) is to cram multiple abilities into a single column. Actually Dracora currently does this on the negative abilities of Ancient Plate Mail.
Another alternative (which I advocate, but which Dracora dislikes) is to list both positive and negative abilities as abilities. Then you can get down to three abilities columns total, instead of the current four.
Another idea is simply to make one abilities column containing multiple icons. This would hurt the sorting. But I think that the sorting is already hurt, because there isn't a column per type of ability anyway.

I'll be trying a sort of cramming today - because yes, indeed, the sorting is already hurt!
Ability columns 1,2,3 and 4 will instead correspond to uniform abilities, weapon specific abilities, monster specific abilities, and finally, penalties.
I'll update here when (if) I get it to work. And yes it is currently borked.
Edit: having lots of ideas, will edit here with updates again soon!
okay, what do people think of the combined icons?
the mentality is that there are 4 ability types:
1) uniform bonus
2) weapon/gear specific bonus
3) monster bonus
4) penalty
So we can consider, say, BKR to have a single ability, being uniform MSI Low and DMG High. Even though those are two distinct abilities in-game, we can fuse them in the table as a single combo ability, represented by an icon that is a fusion of shapes and colors.
So far, I've generated for review:
1) Take a guess!
2) Take a guess!
2.1) alternative if we want to use perks for abils as much as possible.
Take a guess...without looking at filename. To see if they're intuitive. Granted, new players have to learn icons anyway...harrrrumph.
asi+dmg = a red runner guy. runner for msi, red for attack.
handgun asi+dmg = a red quick draw perk icon. Quick Draw for Handgun ASI, red for attack.
In general, the pattern is:
shape, then color - go by top-to-bottom from the tooltip in-game.
EDIT: scratch that, going to try and keep things as consistent as possible...speed will always take primary shape if present, then color of w/e is next is applied. for Bombs, CTR takes shape (which makes sense, since CTR is just attack speed for charge attacks DPS wise), then red color for attack. In other words, red will pretty much always mean that DMG is influenced, with other shapes being as consistent as possible. For triples...below:
What about triple abilities? If they are the same ability type (1,2,3 or 4), then do a simple, recognizable, overarching icon:
Handgun ctr+asi+dmg = a modified arsenal handgun icon. The shape is distinct, and each of its three parts have yellow, blue, and red representing ctr, asi, and attack, respectively. Think like, pretty much all gun UVs = the overall icon. I put the red on the barrel for attack, blue on handle for attack speed (the perfect gun's limit is how fast you click = pull trigger, and yellow on the last bit for charging up. Yellow would work on handle, for sure, but then blue wouldn't make sense anywhere else.
Stuff like Merc Demo is easy, the MSI and Bomb go into different columns!
why fuse? I didn't like inconsistent icon sizes. Since we decided not to scale :P
And making a column for every ability = ridiculously horizontally long table.
Amusingly, this sort of combination behavior is kinda like how arcade floor icons work, so IMO it's very in-sync with the game...not 100% just cause the icons don't exist in-game, but that's why we have the {{wiki image}} tag. I giggle.
Conveniently, we can use these icons for any level of combo (whether they're both low/med/high or have differences like with BKC) - just have the info in the tooltip! We've had this in the table for around...half a month now? Just a friendly reminder that that's how it's working :)
Thoughts? Suggestions? Check out the most recent version of the table on the 5-star page, I've got the triple icon working. And a few on the Armor/3 star page. The rest is still borked, including abil sorting. I can fix, just will take time.
I think I'll add a tiny bit of something to the border of the combo items, to distinguish them more from single abils, like an implied + shape behind it or something. Something small, but noticeable. Something not obnoxious, but obvious.
1) I'd like a general opinion
EDIT: to be clear, I'll only go to #2 if enough ppl like it. Sorry for not being clear before :P
2) I'll finish all possible icons (for every abil in the game to date at least) - and upload them and implement them. Then I want an opinion of how that looks, like the whole impact, and how easy/not easy/meh/great/terrible etc. it is to quickly (or slowly) compare items with these new yet familiar visuals.
I had a thought - but I'm hesitant. In the table, we could have squares = good/buffs, circles = bad/debuffs. This isn't consistent with the game though. Perhaps if we make a statement that is very clear about that in the "About the List" thing I've typed out (these are at the bottom of Armor/# Star pages)? Or hope/suggest to OOO that they make consistent icons...why does a sword orb give all my pewpewswipeboom dmg?! CAUSE! RED SWORD MEANS AGGRESSIVE! RAWR!
EDIT: updated 3rd icon with a better image, patterns remain exactly the same, it just has a nicer border and such.

Icon #3 is best.
Icon #1 and #2 are bad because you're now stacking extra meanings onto existing icons... MSI+whatever on the (almost) same symbol as for MSI... that will not be clear at a glance.
I noticed #3 in the table before in this post. I immediately assumed it was a 3 color pictogram for the 3 abilities--damage, asi, ctr. That was perfect!
As a followup I assumed there would be a 2 color pictogram gun for just ASI/CTR (say, Yellow and Blue parts but the red is now a light grey to indicate "empty"). An ASI pictogram would just be yellow and two grey parts. Etc.
Tooltip over for specifics = perfect.
Exactly as you planned, and I picked it up without reading this post. Genius!
Any thoughts for icons for Chaos? I am hesitant to use a specific weapon's icon when it's a universal ability.
We could possibly take the blue up arrow you have at the column header--grey the blue out, and red/yellow/blue the three pieces based on type? ASI/CTR/Damage? It's just a thought.
Table Squares/Circles: Dump it. Inconsistency is confusing. Either use squares or use circles, and use the blue up/red down arrows.
I'm kinda leaning towards circles.
Table formatting:
I'm sorry. I know you're working hard on this, but the multiple up columns have to go. Just dump them.
The name column with the unreadable text and the scrunched together button? That's awful.
If you click Show the column becomes legible/useful, but then the last column gets cut off!
With your new combined icon none of the items will have more than two bonus icons. They need to be full (not mini) size to be visible. Double the row height of the applicable gear when the gear requires it. Who cares? It's not a big deal if some of the rows are a bit taller. The table will still look professional.
I would advocate adding a monster icon if the damage bonus is type-relevant. Every piece of gear is either MSI + universal weapon icon, weapon specific icon + monster icon, or universal weapon icon + monster icon. Two icons per item max. Done.
The sort on special abilities just isn't practical. There are too many different abilities in weird combinations. Would it be nice if they could be sorted? Sure! Even if they can't we still get a useful, practical, easy way to scan down the list for what we want.
You wanted to do something better than the current table. Well, you did it! This is already better than the current table. The first 10 columns of sortable is a huge win.
"Don't let perfect get in the way of the good."

The name column with the unreadable text and the scrunched together button? That's awful.
I might be able to fix, but I'd need a screenshot of what you're seeing. It could simply be a table wrapping issue for small screens, but yeah, need a visual.
-4 columns. Maybe... a single up arrow column, and a single down arrow column? That makes abilities difficult to sort/find. How about just different icons in the header? That way people can look for what they want (uniform/MSI, weapon, monster, or penalty), and it's not as...bland? (Actually idk why you don't like em, elaboration would be nice :D)...could even do just one column, prolly similar to Bopp's suggestion(s)...would need to test and build. I'll get back to this thread on that later...
Icons in general - I'd like to have a distinguished shape for 1) easier scanning for all players and 2) slightly colorblind people - I suppose that the colors are pretty distinct, I'll have to get feedback from the ones I know. I'd prefer to do the tricolor thing, yes. And not just cause it's easy :P...I'm glad you find them intuitive. Each weapon icon is also divided into three parts, which I find highly amusing and convenient. Though bombs will have one part bland until we...if we ever...get direct ASI abils...for boomboom. Probably the top part? The ticker is attack speed? *ponders*
Thanks for feedback!

Maybe... a single up arrow column, and a single down arrow column? That makes abilities difficult to sort/find.
Yeah. That's what I'm saying--the abilities sort will never work properly anyway, so why try and force the sort to do something it can't do well or do in a clean and understandable fashion? There are just too damn many abilities.
Example: Chaos Cloak, Merc Demo, Sacred Falcon Guerrilla Armor, and Arcane Salamander
Between them you have
- Damage bonus
damage bonus for bombs
damage bonus for guns against beast
damage bonus against slime
damage bonus against beast
ctr bonus
ctr bonus for guns
asi bonus for guns
MSI bonus
That's four armors with NINE separate bonuses. How can you sort those into three columns? What hierarchy can you apply that takes into account the subtle variations in the list above, while still giving someone the items they want (if someone asks "I want to do more damage with my X" how do you sort global damage bonus vs weapon damage bonus vs monster damage bonus vs all of the non-damage bonuses?)
Is the wiki capable of sorting against multiple abilities for a single armor if they aren't in separate columns?
Unless you add a column for every ability type I do not believe you can do a proper sort job. If you add that many extra columns the table will stretch even farther.
There are three reasons I vote to give up on an ability sort.
1. It's unnecessary. You have your defense and status resistances working so this table is already a huge improvement over the old table.
2. It will be difficult to implement in any easily-understandable, uniform fashion. Without a sort you can still look down the list and easily identify which items have gun ASI/CTR/etc. You can mouse over to see the details of each bonus. That's easily understood, even if it is a small amount of manual work.
3. It's technologically difficult to implement. We're trying to square-peg-round-hole this because it is so varied.
Sorting to this level of granularity isn't really neccessary. I say that this table is good without it, and you're not going to be able to make it better without manually editing the wiki's code.
Column crush screenshots:
You can see that when you click Show the tables expand beyond the background of the wiki

@Chesh: That is indeed a wrapping issue. I should be able to lock the size to the longest named item, no problem. If you see nonsense like that, make sure to tell someone, that sort of thing is ugly and easily fixed. This will force people with tinyscreens (phones) to horizontal scroll. Probably. But come on, people should surf a wiki with a "normal" screen, a wiki is information central, not angrybird alley.
Ah, I see! Yes, the sorting is a bit...bleh. I'll allow people to sort if they wish, so they can group things at least minimalistically. So, compressing into two ability columns - penalty and bonus. I know penalties are abilities, but when people look for things, they don't want this sort of data in the same column (and it could be confusing for new players). It would also be hard to combine icons for things like Fallen.
I'm still gonna have these in the triple column positive, single column negative, ability format until I get more feedback though. (uniform, weapon, monster, penalty). It's also just easier for me to work with it this way since the page-coding is already done (by me yes and I'm willing to put in work to change that if people think it's best), so all I have to do is tweak the template for now.
I'll go ahead and make a bunch of icons using tricolor. I'm going to generate a list for these on the wiki. don't look at the upload log. Just look at the icons. Try to predict what they mean before mousing over them to get the tooltip info. If you guess the tooltip, then we know we have pretty darn intuitive icons.
STOP READING GO LOOK AT THE ICONS (assuming I've uploaded them - this will take some time, give it a few days before feeding with feedback please)
-is too lazy to color text to background here so you have to highlight spoilers.
okay now read:
These colors are determined not only by pet perk icon patterns, but also in-game colors...for example, MSI gives your character thrashing orange vapor tails. The runner guy is also orange. Charging up centers a golden-yellow star-like haze in your character. Attack buffs put red rings around your character. The list goes on.
Blue = ASI
Red = DMG
Yellow = CTR
Orange = MSI (to match the orange runner guy in the MSI buff icon). I'll make sure it's as different from red as possible.

I've locked the table size - tell me if it's still being squishy. It shouldn't. I kind of like this change - I can size my browser window to a section I want to analyze, like just status, horizontal scroll over to the section, and just stay there vertical scrolling looking at only status. Or max my window and see the entire table on my laptop screen/large screen. Most normal-sized screens should show the "important parts" of the table, anyway - defenses are all within 800px. This way the table won't do its autosizing thing...
1) is it fixed?
2) is fixed worse, or better, or neutral?
Still working on icons. Feeling a little creeped out we're supposed to do it this's all fitting

Table = very locked.
Column = too generous.
Can the column be sized such that it just fits the stat box? Will that make the new armor names wrap, or will that cut text off instead?

Sure, check it in a few minutes. It should wrap.
I have an idea, and I'll fix it up soon. I'll come back with a comment edit >:3