Feel free to call me out on certain things and debate. Don't get me wrong, I like this game and it's awesome. But the inconsistencies just rub me the wrong way enough to post this.
-Alchemy Paths. How many items are there that have "cousins" but aren't related in crafting? Let's get a round-up of some of them.
Heavy Hatchet
Punch Gun
Pummel Gun
Vitasuit Plus
Vitasuit Deluxe
They are basically the same item, only progressively more useful. Chances are, you bought and used said items in the early parts of the game. When you craft the more advanced ones and realize that they aren't related components, pretty awesome. More stuff, more power! But in the end the former gears just lie there, clearly outclassed and shamelessely bound to your inventory. They gained some levels, surely, so they could be useful to someone else. But nope, bounded. Would this change be necessary? Of course not, it's only 150 Crowns. But I'd feel better having a weapon stay relevant to its efficiency and novelty without having a deliberate copy of it taking its place and feel bad about leaving it behind for that. This would justify having it bound to me for so long even more.
-Mineral Deposit. They used to be 5 Crowns each. Now it's 3 or 2. Why not the same price instead of having to make decisions? What the heck happened?! And people say we're just complaining about the CE price. Speaking of which...
-Crystal Energy. Get a grip on the base price, guys (you guys and you guys at OOO): not everyone can manage 100 CE, even through Tier 2 it's a chore. 5000 Crowns was such a sweet synergy (back when I started it was 2600 Crowns and going up, that's understandable; 6000 is excessive already). From what I gathered, CE demands are higher while the supply is lower, relatively due to the steep crafting ressources. That explains the price, alright...when you don't account those fruitcakes purposely messing with the inflation. The base backdraft is soon reaching a spike. What should we (or OOO) do then?
-CE in crafting. We all know how it works:
1-Star = 10 Energy
2-Stars = 50 Energy
3-Stars = 250 Energy
4-Stars = 400 Energy
5-Stars = 800 Energy
See a tall step in this stair? Suddenly you are required to spend 150 CE (Mist Energy accounted) for each 3-Stars gear that you will need to survive Tier 2, only to realize that it's only a stepping stone to grind and make 4-Stars gears, which are required to move on to Tier 3. It's not actually a bad thing in itself (at least personally speaking: I've played Phantasy Star Online and it was actually a fun phase when reaching Ultimade Mode, taking the time to explore around and get used to the higher difficulty). The matter is, again, CE management. You'll have to spend more time exclusively for CE to move on. And currently the price is crazily going up. I only see one acceptable solution to this: lower the Energy cost in crafting (should it, also, mean to up the price a little in Crowns as well) and maybe Clockwork exploring.
1-Star = 10 Energy
2-Stars = 50 Energy
3-Stars = 100 Energy
4-Stars = 200-300 Energy
5-Stars = 400-600 Energy
See what I did here? I've lowed the energy cost for 3-Stars item at such as CE can be focused for the gears that will allow Tier 3 Clearance. For the economical folks, forfeiting a day worth of Mist Energy is far less stingy that way, isn't it? In that manner, more CE will be spared, restoring a balance in the economy (which I see fit to be about 5000 Crowns). And by lowering the cost for dwelling deeper in the game (many say to 5, but it could be 8 and it would still be cool beans for most people), the game will also allow more justified log-ins to be recorded, thus make the people at OOO much happier. Also, more Energy would be spared for crafting and buying things, which will encourage more rookie players to play the game (because face it, an industry will evolve so it can cater to the newer audience). Also, for the love of holy flying fiery rhinos...
-Heat Amplifier. Make it 120 Energy or something. A 20% boost in Heat throughout levels for two days is laughably trivial compared to a month worth of unlocket trinket/weapon slots. Moreso when one could just equip all but one gear at Lv. 10 and focus the heat into that one gear. By the time you can afford Crystal Energy, surely you'll have such gears at maximum strength, right? Pricing it for 800 Energy is such an evil tease for the less wary players.
-Training Area. I love this place. Everyone does. A sandbox for general practice and setting people on fire senseless just beats those breaks after runs in the Clockworks, when you've exhausted your Energy and waiting for it to recover. So what's wrong with it? Nothing, really, save for a subtle detail: this corner with status conditions (Poison, Shock, Freeze, Fire) lets you experience firsthand the thrill of letting yourself suffer and getting killed. It would also be a good place to practice using the Remedy Capsules. You'd think the guy at the counter claiming the place to be perfectly harmless would have taken into account that these items would be put to practical use when testing out blatantly non-harmless hazards (is he associated with Aperture Science Lab or something?) and being caught in the middle of the ever fun Friendly Ffire, which involves throwing oil and fire jars everywhere (especially at people).
-Binding items. I meant to discuss about this mechanic...so I'll just leave you guys at it. Just keep it clean and constructive, thank you very much for your time.
...wha...nobody? Really D: ?