Let's say I get to Tier 2 of one of the current Gates, like Jade Titan. Of course I'll be able to go back to Moorcraft free of charge after that.
Now, what happens when Jade Titan gets bumped off the Gate rotation? Jade Titan might show up again in the future, or course. And when/if it ever does, will I still be able to go back down to Moorcraft for free? Or will I have to earn that free pass again by repeating Tier 1?
Then again, now that I understand the sheer number of possible Gates there are, it seems almost pointless to get a free pass like that, since the odds of you seeing it again in the near future are slim.
once you reach tier 2, Moorcraft, on any gate, you will be able to go there for 200 crowns and 10 CE on any gate. It does not have to be the same one. the price difference from starting at T1 is only the 200 crowns and its almost always better to do T2