I know that there is no one best weapon, but in general, what would be the "best" weapons, armor, trinkets, UVs, etc.
What Equipment is best for lockdown?
Sun, 11/16/2014 - 09:11
Sun, 11/16/2014 - 12:02
Weapon UVs are obvious since all damage bonus UVs give absolutely no benefit at all and the other 2 fit in the 3 UV slots all weapons have.
As for armors you will want to have UVs matching the defenses it already has.
Unless you're going for a mist walker set where you want a set with 2 built in maxes such as Divine, Dragon Scale, Dread Skelly, Fallen, Grey Feather, Ice Queen, Snarbolax (as guard), Volcanic Plate and add the 3 it doesn't have with UVs.
Known broken weapons (not my opinions): PolAAris, MixmAAster, AAcheron, HAAmmer.
Known Broken sets: Black kat, Chaos.
All the VHs and all the Maxes on FF, Acheron, GF/DA, Voltedge, Skolver, Chaos, BK set, Snarby set, and so on. It's not a hard question, really.