Welcome, good Dear Sirs, and have a nice time at almost knowhere and eat the cat sandwich because the sky is purple today! Also, don't forget your fishies so we can play IceHunt. And watch out for what's behind you, cause who knows, Bacon?
So earlier today I was goin' to town to buy my usual Sunday IceCream, when I got a call from my cat, which is unusual cause he usually doesn't call me when he's at work, but he told me I one the lottery, and I won 54 million poptarts, so i rushed home and my house was purple. I went through the door and the Armadillo was in my WoodenToaster. ME:"Honey, I'm pregnant." MY WIFE:"I'll go get the dentist"*jumps through the window after breking it, runs off with all the poptarts.
More Bacon?