It is my dream to make a game that is as close to the Spiral Knights lore and logic as possible. I plan to work on this game, releasing weekly updates over the next few upcoming months, and if it all goes well, for an indefinite period after that. Artificial World is an open-world platformer in its very early stages, so there's a lot of open-worldness and platformness, but not much else.
Download Link:
The game uses the arrow keys to move: up arrow is to grab ledges, down arrow + jump to get down off walls, and down arrow allows walking off platforms.
Spacebar is jump, Shift to sprint, Z is shield, X is aim gun, C is fire, and A is interact.
The Slime Stack does naturally spawn in Slime themed levels, but as many types of level spawn, these are very far and few between so I've added in debug functions to spawn mobs at your location: 7 drops a slime stack on the platform you are standing on (if you press 7 while not standing on a valid location such as while you're in midair or on an elevator, the game will throw an error, so don't do that), 8 spawns a Jelly Cube, 9 spawns a Retrode, and 0 spawns a Polyp.
Do note that while multiplayer is functional, it's currently plagued by bugs as my primary focus is getting basic engine features working before anything fancy like multiplayer.
Now this part is important: there's an issue on certain computers I haven't been able to track down yet, It's pretty much entirely dependant on me finding someone with a bug and then working with them to correct the bug remotely, and so far I haven't found anyone reliable enough to send me the errorlogs to fix this issue. If your game hangs on a beige screen shortly after starting, restart the game, press F5 in the menu, start another game so you get the beige screen, and then send me the errorlog.txt found in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Artificial_World. This is very important. The sooner I am able to squish this bug, the less people have to suffer from it.
Future Updates
In addition to adding more functionality to the already-existing content, such as making more objects interactable, adding more mobs, and more items, very high on my priority list for the next few updates are the following features:
- Sound effects
- Music
- Replacing placeholder graphics
- Status Effects
- Damage Types and Defenses
- Classes
- Tiers affecting monsters
- Friendly NPCs
- Advanced item system
- Multiplayer features (chat, bugfixing, trading)
There was a fangame I was programming in GameMaker but ended up dropping May earlier this year due to it being a bit of a handful. The original concept for this fangame was to be a text-orientated dungeon crawler, because I thought that'd be more simple. Turns out it really wasn't, getting a text parser working, least of all things, was horrendous to program, not to mention the amount of text content I'd need in the game for it to be mildly interesting. To make matters worse, bugfinding was an absolute nightmare as I had very little interaction with the game data.
Thus I changed the idea for the game to a platformer, got off my fat metallic behind and actually decided to program a working platform physics for once in my flippin' life. (The reason why I originally tried to go with a text-based game is because I thought it'd be "easier" than a platformer) Starting from scratch, I've been working on the game steadily (as steady as I can be... it's mostly been just me staying up late programming it, falling asleep, getting up at midday to start working on it again) for almost the last 2 weeks, and I've got a considerable amount of the basic engine programmed. (if you follow my blog you'll have an idea of my progress)
I thought to myself I might as well get one final push out of the project (I have a really terrible habit where I drop programming on games left right and centre, and I thought that if there are people waiting on me, I'll be WAY more motivated to finish something) and decided to announce that I'll have a playable demo by 29th November.
Sounds cool! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :D
(Good to see you back on the forums too =P)