Lockdown Excuses~

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Gianor's picture

"I couldn't cap anything." - My loadout fails to find ways around area denial.
"He was using AA." - I am not interested in reflecting on my losses.
"It was a 3v1." - I can't think on my feet and have failed to find a way out of anything other than a 1v1.
"I wasn't trying that game." - I haven't practiced thoroughly.
"Atleast I'm not cheap/using meta gear/being a copycat." - I am unwilling to adapt my strategy to the evolving game due to a personal code of morals that are not acknowledged in the rules.
"I prefer to be original." - I am afraid of what losing a 1v1 implies about my level of skill, so I will cling to an unoccupied niche and claim this niche as my defense against any and all accusations against my ability.
"I play for fun." - I am willing to redefine a word in order to seize a nonexistant moral high ground in the face of failure.
"You're pay to win." - I am rejecting the fact I've lost because I haven't put the effort in to get better gear.
"We were camped." - I have failed to take counter measures against this tactic.
"I had to carry." - In the face of defeat I blame the loss on my teammates who had nothing to do with my own personal level of skill.

Klipik-Forum's picture

So is the point of this read to add to the list, or argue with it? Because I can do the arguing one.

Gianor's picture
It's a free world.

If you wan't to argue over these points and try to defend such excuses, go right ahead.

Krakob's picture

"Personally, I prefer the air." - I'm a bird who knows how to speak English.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
/shrug LD isn't my life

I don't use trinkets mainly because I'm too lazy to craft them, LD isn't my life, I have other stuff to craft, saving CR/CE for the gunner update and future SL expeditions.

But mostly because I don't need them in PVE so I never get any slots.

Yet I can still pull an average of 9k damage and respectable caps when I do play LD.

Particled's picture

"My AT locked onto the Rock Jelly"

Turn-Me-On's picture
"My mouse died" - I forget to

"My mouse died" - I forget to feed my pets because I play LD way too much

Sprunket's picture
. . .

"Look at me mom, I'm a walrus" - Aberdeen angus with mad cow disease

Deleted-Knight's picture
(insert excuse of choice) -

(insert excuse of choice) - I'm butthurt, and I want people to know it, but I don't want to sound like I'm butthurt so I'll express it in a non-explicit way.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

"im lagging"-i dont want the bear the shame of getting my clone butt stunlocked by a recon's callahan with good connection

got that one yesterday from the one guy who didn't flat out flee the battle when stunned

Pery-Alaois's picture
"I love being a clone to win

"I love being a clone to win all my LD matches!"
-Someone with no life

"I won a lockdown match, even though I'm the worst player in lockdown."
-Me, Pery-Alaois

Lady-Of-War's picture

"/sigh" - The enemy spawncamps.

Parasthesia's picture
"You rely on shock/shock nub"

"You rely on shock/shock nub" - only some game mechanics are okay by my arbitrary rules.

"/yawn after winning" - I'm too good for anyone or this game, give me attention.

Pery-Alaois's picture
What is a counter measure

What is a counter measure against spawn-camping? I don't know any.

By the way, here is an excuse to add to the list.
"I suck at lockdown" - I suck at lockdown.

I really suck at lockdown. That is a fact. But it doesn't matter!

Turn-Me-On's picture
@Pery Countermeasures to


Countermeasures to spawncamping arent necessary.

Either your team is good enough where they actually put up a fight and are competent, or they arent good enough.

If you are being spawncamped by epic-AT-Ping-Knights, then what you gotta do is chip away at them, and run out and tbag if you get a kill.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
My Biohazard is

My Biohazard is bugged....

Blame the game because you don't take time to read patch notes