About Lockdown Lobbies

6 replies [Last post]
Dragonuity's picture

I've been waiting an year for them and they still haven't come out yet, they solve disagreements over AT as well as unbalanced teams, but I have a question. How much effort does it go into CODING a Lockdown Lobby? Or are they just plain lazy.

Valtiros's picture
There are not enough players

There are not enough players in lockdown to do so. It would only break the lockdown community which is already small.

Drdrj's picture

Or it could bring back all players that quit/retired/whatever because OOO ignored lockdown for years. Who knows? ;D

Theirillusion's picture

It can't get much worse than it is right now. Custom lobbies would most likely raise the player base in Lockdown rather than making it harder to get games started.

Cryptian's picture
bn lobby pls

bn lobby pls

Bleyken's picture

Keep waiting...

Turn-Me-On's picture
Its true, LD can't get much

Its true, LD can't get much worse than it is.

AT is still there, as is Polaris. Additionally, the servers are pretty terrible.

They are afraid of making any change to LD, because it would only cause them to lose more players.

If they removed AT, they would lose players.
If they removed Polaris, they would lose players (probably not as many as removing AT would do)
They can't upgrade the servers because there probably aren't enough players to make it worth it.